Each data class object has a component for each property like component1, component2, etc..
I was wondering if there is any way in Kotlin to iterate over each component of a class.
Say I have class:
class User(age:Int, name:String)
Could I do something like:
for(component in aUserObject){
//do some stuff with age or name
First of all, the componentN
properties are available only on data classes, not on every object.
There is no API specifically for iterating over the components, but you can use the Kotlin reflection to iterate over properties of any class:
class User(val age: Int, val name: String)
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val user = User(25, "Bob")
for (prop in User::class.memberProperties) {
println("${prop.name} = ${prop.get(user)}")
also, you can use Properties Delegation with built-in delegate 'by map'. it's very useful for some simple stat classes.
class DbUsingStat {
private val map = mutableMapOf(
"removed" to 0,
"updated" to 0,
"skipped" to 0
var removed by map
var updated by map
var skipped by map
fun asMap() : Map<String, Int> = map.toMap()
val someStatistic = DbUsingStat().apply {
skipped = 5
removed = 10
updated = 1505
for((k, v) in someStatistic.asMap())
println("$k: $v")
here is an idea...i am not satisfied with it...but nonetheless here it is.
it has some pros and cons:
- pros:
- type-safe/compile-time checks
- adding/removing fields to/from the data class causes compiler errors at field-iteration sites
- no boiler-plate code needed
- cons:
- won't work if default values are defined for arguments
data class Memento(
val testType: TestTypeData,
val notes: String,
val examinationTime: MillisSinceEpoch?,
val administeredBy: String,
val signature: SignatureViewHolder.SignatureData,
val signerName: String,
val signerRole: SignerRole
) : Serializable
iterating through all fields:
val iterateThroughAllMyFields: Memento = someValue
testType = iterateThroughAllMyFields.testType.also { testType ->
// do something with testType
notes = iterateThroughAllMyFields.notes.also { notes ->
// do something with notes
examinationTime = iterateThroughAllMyFields.examinationTime.also { examinationTime ->
// do something with examinationTime
administeredBy = iterateThroughAllMyFields.administeredBy.also { administeredBy ->
// do something with administeredBy
signature = iterateThroughAllMyFields.signature.also { signature ->
// do something with signature
signerName = iterateThroughAllMyFields.signerName.also { signerName ->
// do something with signerName
signerRole = iterateThroughAllMyFields.signerRole.also { signerRole ->
// do something with signerRole