I am constantly getting below error while building app:
No architectures to compile for (ARCHS=arm6 arm7, VALID_ARCHS=armv7).
I tried adding arm6 arm7
to architecture but didn't work. I also tried just arm6
and arm7
, but still not.
Also, I'm setting deployment target to 4.3 iPhone
I have Xcode version 4.3.1
Please help!
You must take two steps:
There are no 'save' buttons there, so what I do, is adding another blank row, pressing enter, removing it, and then clicking out somewhere else, so that I make sure I have both of them added:
- Now go to the AppName-Info.plist file, and look for the key "Require device capabilities" and delete it all.
Now it's done.
set "Build Active Architecture Only" = NO
this worked for me after upgrading an old project to xcode5
That works fine for me:
Set architectures to "Standard (armv7,armv7s)" and after set manually Valid architectures to armv7 armv7s
Not arm6 and arm7, try by adding armv6 and armv7 as architectures.
Add architectures only armv7. Remove armv6 then try it.
I am using the latest Xcode and iPhone5. I had it set to armv7s and armv7. It took care of my issue which was the No architectures to compile for (ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=YES, active arch=armv7s, VALID_ARCHS=armv6 armv7)
To include 64 bit:
Set architectures to "$(ARCHS_STANDARD_32_64_BIT)"
and after set manually Valid architectures to armv7 arm64
. My Xcode version was 5.1. Base SDK was iOS 7.1
Deployment target was 6.0.
In another setting configuration:
Set architectures to "$(ARCHS_STANDARD)"
and after set manually valid architectures to armv7 arm64
. My Xcode version was 6.2. Base SDK was iOS 8.2
Deployment target was 6.0.