
How can I use gulp to replace a string in a file?

2020-02-26 15:32发布


I am using gulp to uglify and make ready my javascript files for production. What I have is this code:

var concat = require('gulp-concat');
var del = require('del');
var gulp = require('gulp');
var gzip = require('gulp-gzip');
var less = require('gulp-less');
var minifyCSS = require('gulp-minify-css');
var uglify = require('gulp-uglify');

var js = {
    src: [
        // more files here
        // more files here

gulp.task('scripts', ['clean-js'], function () {
    return gulp.src(js.src).pipe(uglify())

What I need to do is to replace the string:

dataServer: "http://localhost:3048",


dataServer: "http://example.com",

In the file 'temp/js/app/appConstant.js',

I'm looking for some suggestions. For example perhaps I should make a copy of the appConstant.js file, change that (not sure how) and include appConstantEdited.js in the js.src?

But I am not sure with gulp how to make a copy of a file and replace a string inside a file.

Any help you give would be much appreciated.


Gulp streams input, does all transformations, and then streams output. Saving temporary files in between is AFAIK non-idiomatic when using Gulp.

Instead, what you're looking for, is a streaming-way of replacing content. It would be moderately easy to write something yourself, or you could use an existing plugin. For me, gulp-replace has worked quite well.

If you want to do the replacement in all files it's easy to change your task like this:

var replace = require('gulp-replace');

gulp.task('scripts', ['clean-js'], function () {
    return gulp.src(js.src)
      .pipe(replace(/http:\/\/localhost:\d+/g, 'http://example.com'))

You could also do gulp.src just on the files you expect the pattern to be in, and stream them seperately through gulp-replace, merging it with a gulp.src stream of all the other files afterwards.


You may also use module gulp-string-replace which manages with regex, strings or even functions.



var replace = require('gulp-string-replace');

gulp.task('replace_1', function() {
  gulp.src(["./config.js"]) // Every file allown. 
    .pipe(replace(new RegExp('@env@', 'g'), 'production'))


gulp.task('replace_1', function() {
  gulp.src(["./config.js"]) // Every file allown. 
    .pipe(replace('environment', 'production'))


gulp.task('replace_1', function() {
  gulp.src(["./config.js"]) // Every file allown. 
    .pipe(replace('environment', function () {
       return 'production';


I think that the most correct solution is to use the gulp-preprocess module. It will perform the actions you need, depending on the variable PRODUCTION, defined or not defined during the build.

Source code:

/* @ifndef PRODUCTION */
dataServer: "http://localhost:3048",
/* @endif */
/* @ifdef PRODUCTION **
dataServer: "http://example.com",
/* @endif */


let preprocess = require('gulp-preprocess');
const preprocOpts = {

gulp.task('scripts', ['clean-js'], function () {
  return gulp.src(js.src)
    .pipe(preprocess({ context: preprocOpts }))

This is the best solution because it allows you to control the changes that are made during the build phase.


There I have a versioning specific example for your reference. let say you have version.ts file and it contains the version code inside it. You now can do as the follows:

gulp.task ('version_up', function () {
    gulp.src (["./version.ts"])
        .pipe (replace (/(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?(?:\-(\w+))?/, process.env.VERSION))
        .pipe (gulp.dest ('./'))

the above regex works for many situation on any conventional version formats.