Update: I think it has something to do with lazy instantiation of the window handle for MainForm - but haven't been able to work out quite how that would result in the behavior seen here.
The application requests data via 3rd party COM interface providing a callback to process the results. In the callback, the UI needs to be updated - but the update doesn't work as expected. It's as if a value copy of MainForm had been created, when MainForm.DataReady
is called or invoked directly cross thread, but UI update works as expected when executed from an event handler. Can you explain why?
(Note: AppDomain.CurrentDomain.Id
is always 1
whether examined in MainForm or in ClassB.)
Initial Code - call to DataReady from ClassB instance without InvokeRequred /Delegate /Invoke logic in MainForm. Application UI change works as expected, MainForm SomeListControl.EmptyListMsg = "Not Available"
change doesn't 'stick' (as if applied to a separate copy of MainForm)
Module AppGlobals
Public WithEvents A As ClassA
End Module
Partial Friend Class MyApplication
Private Sub MyApplication_Startup(ByVal sender As Object,
ByVal e As StartupEventArgs) Handles Me.Startup
A = New ClassA()
End Sub
End Class
Class MainForm
private sub getData
A.getData() 'Sets up the com object & callback
end sub
Public Sub DataReady()
' Do something with the data
End Sub
Private Sub ToggleWait(toggle as Boolean)
Application.UseWaitCursor = False
if toggle then
SomeListControl.EmptyListMsg = "Not Available"
SomeListControl.EmptyListMsg = "Please Wait"
end if
End Sub
End Class
Class ClassA
public sub getData()
Dim ComObj as New ComObject
Call ComObj.setClient(New ClassB)
End Sub
End Class
Class ClassB
Implements IComObjectClient
sub getdata_callback(results() as Object) handles IComObjectClient.getdata_callback
' Get the results
end sub
End Class
Added InvokeRequred logic to DataReady, still called directly from ClassB. InvokeRequired is never true, Application UI change works as expected, MainForm SomeListControl.EmptyListMsg = "Not Available"
change doesn't 'stick' (as if applied to a separate copy of MainForm)
Class MainForm
Public Delegate Sub DataReadyDelegate(ByVal toggle As Boolean)
Public Sub DataReady()
If InvokeRequired Then
Invoke(New DataReadyDelegate()
' Do something with the data
End If
End Sub
End Class
Invoked MainForm.DataReady
directly from ClassB Got exception: "Invoke or BeginInvoke cannot be called on a control until the window handle has been created." until I forced the window handle creation. Then it's the same behavior as before, namely, InvokeRequired is never true, Application UI change works as expected, MainForm SomeListControl.EmptyListMsg = "Not Available"
change doesn't 'stick' (as if applied to a separate copy of MainForm)
Class ClassB
Implements IComObjectClient
Public Delegate Sub DataReadDelegate()
sub getdata_callback(results() as Object) handles IComObjectClient.getdata_callback
' Get the results
If Not MainForm.IsHandleCreated Then
' This call forces creation of the control's handle
Dim handle As IntPtr = MainForm.Handle
End If
MainForm.Invoke(New DataReadyDelegate(AddressOf MainForm.DataReady))
end sub
End Class
Executed from Event Handler Defined custom 'got data' events in ClassA and ClassB. ClassA listens for ClassB.got_data_event and raises ClassA.got_data_event, MainForm listens for ClassA.got_data_event and handles it by calling DataReady(). This works - InvokeRequired is true, Invoke is excuted, Application UI and MainForm UI changes work as intended.
Class MainForm
Public Delegate Sub DataReadyDelegate()
Public Sub DataReady()
If InvokeRequired Then
Invoke(New DataReadyDelegate()
' Do something with the data
End If
End Sub
Public Sub _GotData_HandleEvent(ByVal resultMessage As String)
End Sub
Private Sub MainForm_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
AddHandler A.GotData, AddressOf _GotData_HandleEvent
End Sub
End Class