related to MongoDB Group using Ruby driver
if I want to do something like the following in SQL:
select page_id, count(page_id) from a_table group by page_id
I thought the MongoDB's doc says
group(key, condition, initial, reduce, finalize = nil)
# returns an array
So from the other post, I am using: "fucntion (x) return {page_id : x.page_id}",
{:count => 0},
"function(x, y) { y.count++ }" )
but it actually returns
which is the total number of records (documents) in the collection. Is something not correct above? I thought the key might be a static string like in
key: {'user.agent': true},
initial: {sum: 0},
reduce: function(doc, prev) { prev.sum += 1}
but it is not in the other stackoverflow post.
Update: actually, in the link above, the solution like ['page_id'], nil,
{:count => 0}, "function(x, y) { y.count++ }" )
works, but just wonder why the first method in this post didn't work.