I have created my own NER model with Stanford's "Stanford-NER" software and by following these directions.
I am aware that CoreNLP loads three NER models out of the box in the following order:
I now want to include my NER model in the list above and have the text tagged by my NER model first.
I have found two previous StackOverflow questions regarding this topic and they are 'Stanford OpenIE using customized NER model' and 'Why does Stanford CoreNLP NER-annotator load 3 models by default?'
Both of these posts have good answers. The general message of the answers is that you have to edit code within a file.
Stanford OpenIE using customized NER model
From this post it says to edit corenlpserver.sh
but I cannot find this file within the Stanford CoreNLP downloaded software. Can anyone point me to this file's location?
does Stanford CoreNLP NER-annotator load 3 models by default?
This post says that I can use the argument of -ner.model
to specifically call which NER models to load. I added this argument to the initial server command (java -mx4g -cp "*" edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLPServer -port 9000 -timeout 15000 -ner.model *modlefilepathhere*
). This did not work as the server still loaded all three models.
It also states that you have to change some java code though it does not specifically call out where to make the change.
Do I need to modify or add this code props.put("ner.model", "model_path1,model_path2");
to a specific class file in the CoreNLP software?
QUESTION: From my research it seems that I need to add/modify some code to call my unique NER model. These 'edits' are outlined above and this information has been pulled from other StackOverflow questions. What files specifically do I need to edit? Where exactly are these files located (i.e. edu/Stanford/nlp/...etc)?
EDIT: My system is running on a local server and I'm using the API pycorenlp in order to open a pipeline to my local server and to make requests against it. the two critical lines of python/pycorenlp code are:
nlp = StanfordCoreNLP('http://localhost:9000')
output = nlp.annotate(evalList[line], properties={'annotators': 'ner, openie','outputFormat': 'json', 'openie.triple.strict':'True', 'openie.max_entailments_per_clause':'1'})
I do NOT think this will affect my ability to call my unique NER model but I wanted to present all the situational data I can in order to obtain the best possible answer.