A few years back, I wrote some util library around DShow/DSound to let me play MP3s in a Windows C++ application. Is that still the normal way to do it in a C++/MFC app, or is that an area of DirectX that has been subsumed into the general Windows APIs?
The motivation is simply we use the standard Windows PlaySound method for WAVs, and would like to be able to play MP3s using a similarly simple API, either provided by Windows or something we write to wrap more complex functionality.
EDIT: this is for a large, commercial, closed-source project. And we only want to play things simply, paying a lot for a library won't fly.
You can either use DirectShow but it's not part of DirectX anymore or rely on a third-party library like Bass, FMod, mpg123 or even libwmp3.
If you don't want to use DirectShow anymore (but why change if your existing code keeps working?), you can use MCI:
mciSendString("open la_chenille.mp3 type mpegvideo alias song1", NULL, 0, 0);
mciSendString("play song1", NULL, 0, 0);
mciSendString("close song1", NULL, 0, 0);
This is an easy way to play any audio file: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd390090(VS.85).aspx
PlaySound() natively supports MP3 as long as it is embedded in a WAV file.
People don't realize that WAV is a container format.
Download the ffmpeg utilities to convert the header and preserve the codec:
ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -c copy -f wav embedded_mp3.wav
Youc could use MCI windows functions,
It can play many of audio file formats including MP3, WAV, MIDI etc.
If I recall correctly it does not require DirectX.
The PlaySound function might also work for you.
If you don't want to pay any licence and wanna do in-house, do the parsing of your mp3 file and pass it to XAudio2.
Its a thing that you can do once (2-3 hours at max) and use always. :P
You could have a look at BASS. It's a simple to use audio library, free for noncommercial use.