I use async/await ecma6 standard without any custom library.
I don't get at the moment how I can properly catch and throw errors. I have multiple async/await functions and if somewhere down below an critical error happens I want to throw the error to the top and of all async functions and stop execution of the function.
I tried to throw exceptions out of the async/await function and catch it in the target function but I get a error in node.js:
this.basicAuthLogin= async function(user)
"use strict";
const login = new Login(this.host, this.url, user, user.pw);
//getSessionID throws error
this.sessionID = getSessionID(result.request.response);
(node:13964) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 1): Error: getSessionID response is undefined (node:13964) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code. Debugger attached.
So it seems I am not allowed to throw exceptions out of async functions or even rethrow it in the catch block of the promise in node.js?
So how do I get this working? Am I supposed to catch the error in the async function and return the error in the promise and rethrow then out of the async function?
this.basicAuthLogin= async function(user)
"use strict";
const login = new Login(this.host, this.url, user, user.pw);
//getSessionID throws error
this.sessionID = getSessionID(result.request.response);
} catch(err) { return err;}
But this would mean that in my call stack from the first async function every function needs be async and I have to await the promise even though I don't really need it.
I hope somebody can enlighten me.
Regards Ruvi
Edit basic call stack pseudo code:
async startTest[arr]{
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
try {
await runStep(arr[i];
} catch(err) {
async runStep(step)
try {
var userIsValid = await validateUser(step.user);
var req = buildRequest(step.request);
var result = await sendRequest(req);
var verify = verifyResult();
} catch(err){ throw err;}
async validateUser(user)
//make checks
var result = await this.authenticate(parameter).catch(err => {throw err});
userFound = true;
function authenticate(parameter) {
//can throw async function
basicAuthLogin(parameter).catch(err => {throw err};
function async basicAuthLogin(parameter()
try {
//can throw async function
var result = await request(parameter);
//can throw sync function
this.sessionID = getSessionID(response);
//can throw sync function
} catch(err) { throw err; }