I use combnk
to generate a list of combinations. How can I generate a subset of combinations, which always includes particular values. For example, for combnk(1:10, 2)
I only need combinations which contain 3 and/or 5. Is there a quick way to do this?
Well, in your specific example, choosing two integers from the set {1, ..., 10} such that one of the chosen integers is 3 or 5 yields 9+9-1 = 17 known combinations, so you can just enumerate them.
In general, to find all of the n-choose-k combinations from integers {1, ..., n} that contain integer m, that is the same as finding the (n-1)-choose-(k-1) combinations from integers {1, ..., m-1, m+1, ..., n}.
In matlab, that would be
combnk([1:m-1 m+1:n], k-1)
(This code is still valid even if m
is 1 or n.)
For a brute force solution, you can generate all your combinations with COMBNK then use the functions ANY and ISMEMBER to find only those combinations that contain one or more of a subset of numbers. Here's how you can do it using your above example:
v = 1:10; %# Set of elements
vSub = [3 5]; %# Required elements (i.e. at least one must appear in the
%# combinations that are generated)
c = combnk(v,2); %# Find pairwise combinations of the numbers 1 through 10
rowIndex = any(ismember(c,vSub),2); %# Get row indices where 3 and/or 5 appear
c = c(rowIndex,:); %# Keep only combinations with 3 and/or 5
For a more elegant solution, it looks like Steve and I had a similar idea. However, I've generalized the solution so that it works for both an arbitrary number of required elements and for repeated elements in v
. The function SUBCOMBNK will find all the combinations of k
values taken from a set v
that include at least one of the values in the set vSub
function c = subcombnk(v,vSub,k)
%#SUBCOMBNK All combinations of the N elements in V taken K at a time and
%# with one or more of the elements in VSUB as members.
%# Error-checking (minimal):
if ~all(ismember(vSub,v))
error('The values in vSub must also be in v.');
%# Initializations:
index = ismember(v,vSub); %# Index of elements in v that are in vSub
vSub = v(index); %# Get elements in v that are in vSub
v = v(~index); %# Get elements in v that are not in vSub
nSubset = numel(vSub); %# Number of elements in vSub
nElements = numel(v); %# Number of elements in v
c = []; %# Initialize combinations to empty
%# Find combinations:
for kSub = max(1,k-nElements):min(k,nSubset)
M1 = combnk(vSub,kSub);
if kSub == k
c = [c; M1];
M2 = combnk(v,k-kSub);
c = [c; kron(M1,ones(size(M2,1),1)) repmat(M2,size(M1,1),1)];
You can test this function against the brute force solution above to see that it returns the same output:
cSub = subcombnk(v,vSub,2);
setxor(c,sort(cSub,2),'rows') %# Returns an empty matrix if c and cSub
%# contain exactly the same rows
I further tested this function against the brute force solution using v = 1:15;
and vSub = [3 5];
for values of N
ranging from 2 to 15. The combinations created were identical, but SUBCOMBNK was significantly faster as shown by the average run times (in msec) displayed below:
N | brute force | SUBCOMBNK
2 | 1.49 | 0.98
3 | 4.91 | 1.17
4 | 17.67 | 4.67
5 | 22.35 | 8.67
6 | 30.71 | 11.71
7 | 36.80 | 14.46
8 | 35.41 | 16.69
9 | 31.85 | 16.71
10 | 25.03 | 12.56
11 | 19.62 | 9.46
12 | 16.14 | 7.30
13 | 14.32 | 4.32
14 | 0.14 | 0.59* #This could probably be sped up by checking for
15 | 0.11 | 0.33* #simplified cases (i.e. all elements in v used)
Just to improve Steve's answer : in your case (you want all combinations with 3 and/or 5) it will be
- all k-1/n-2 combinations with 3 added
- all k-1/n-2 combinations with 5 added
- all k-2/n-2 combinations with 3 and 5 added
Easily generalized for any other case of this type.