I am trying to follow the advice of the book "Two Scoops of Django" and although it is a really good book, I think it this section is unclear. So, I split my settings file and created a folder like this:
base.py (allmost everything there)
local.py (dev. specific settings)
production.py (settings for Heroku)
most of the settings are in the base.py file
in local.py I have this:
# settings/local.py
from .base import *
DEBUG = True
INSTALLED_APPS += ("debug_toolbar", "django_extensions", "south",)
in production.py I have this:
from .base import *
INSTALLED_APPS += ("gunicorn",)
When I run locally:
python manage.py runserver 7000 --settings=appname.settings.local
python manage.py runserver 7000 --settings=appname.settings.production
everything works fine.
But when I push changes to Heroku, I get the log:
File "/app/.heroku/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gunicorn/util.py", line 354, in import_app
raise ImproperlyConfigured("The SECRET_KEY setting must not be empty.")
So, I guess Heroku is not finding my settings files, I don't know how to fix this (it might be very simple).
Two Scoops of Django is kind of ironic here, it writes "Platform as Service - See section 25.2" and then in that section it just writes "read Platform Documentation" : /