C# Checking if button was clicked

2020-02-26 01:12发布


I am making a Program, that just should continue, if 2 conditions are given. The first one 2 TextBoxes have the same word in and a Button was clicked, which opens a new Form. You see i am trying to make a registration Form ;) Now i have the event for the "complete" button.

private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (textBox2.Text == textBox3.Text && ???) { 

            StreamWriter myWriter = File.CreateText(@"c:\Program Files\text.txt");

My problem is, i cant find a method, that gives something like button1.Clicked or something similiar.

I hope someone can help me here..


Click is an event that fires immediately after you release the mouse button. So if you want to check in the handler for button2.Click if button1 was clicked before, all you could do is have a handler for button1.Click which sets a bool flag of your own making to true.

private bool button1WasClicked = false;

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    button1WasClicked = true;

private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (textBox2.Text == textBox3.Text && button1WasClicked)
        StreamWriter myWriter = File.CreateText(@"c:\Program Files\text.txt");
        button1WasClicked = false;


These helped me a lot: I wanted to save values from my gridview, and it was reloading my gridview /overriding my new values, as i have IsPostBack inside my PageLoad.

if (HttpContext.Current.Request["MYCLICKEDBUTTONID"] == null)
   //Do not reload the gridview.

   reload my gridview.

SOURCE: http://bytes.com/topic/asp-net/answers/312809-please-help-how-identify-button-clicked


button1, button2 and button3 have same even handler

private void button1_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
        Button btnSender = (Button)sender;
        if (btnSender == button1 || btnSender == button2)
            //some code here
        else if (btnSender == button3)
            //some code here


i am very new to this website. I am an undergraduate student, doing my Bachelor Of Computer Application. I am doing a simple program in Visual Studio using C# and I came across the same problem, how to check whether a button is clicked? I wanted to do this,

if(-button1 is clicked-) then
this should happen;
if(-button2 is clicked-) then
this should happen;

I didn't know what to do, so I tried searching for the solution in the internet. I got many solutions which didn't help me. So, I tried something on my own and did this,

int i;
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            i = 1;
            label3.Text = "Principle";
            label4.Text = "Rate";
            label5.Text = "Time";
            label6.Text = "Simple Interest";

private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            i = 2;
            label3.Text = "SI";
            label4.Text = "Rate";
            label5.Text = "Time";
            label6.Text = "Principle";
private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

                if (i == 1)
                    si = (Convert.ToInt32(textBox1.Text) * Convert.ToInt32(textBox2.Text) * Convert.ToInt32(textBox3.Text)) / 100;
                    textBox4.Text = Convert.ToString(si);
                if (i == 2)
                    p = (Convert.ToInt32(textBox1.Text) * 100) / (Convert.ToInt32(textBox2.Text) * Convert.ToInt32(textBox3.Text));
                    textBox4.Text = Convert.ToString(p);

I declared a variable "i" and assigned it with different values in different buttons and checked the value of i in the if function. It worked. Give your suggestions if any. Thank you.

标签: c# button click