Pass a value to loadURL - Android

2020-02-25 23:06发布


Is it possible to pass a value to the URL mentioned in webView.loadUrl? something like this??


or is there any way to pass a Java String value to the Javascript function in loadURL?


I found the solution.. posting it here for the sake of others :)

I added the following snippet of code in my Activity class which solved the problem,

webView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {  
                public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url)  


Thanks all :)


You'll want to use a GET-Query string to do so. Note that the maximum length of a URL is 256 chars!

After you supplied your arguments that way, you can use JavaScript to read them (by cutting them out of the URL). Here is a Code-Snipped and an article on this topic.


I found a simple solution. Below is the code which is working

String s = "" + bc;   