
how to test react-select with react-testing-librar

2020-02-25 22:28发布



import React, { Component } from "react";
import Select from "react-select";

const SELECT_OPTIONS = ["FOO", "BAR"].map(e => {
  return { value: e, label: e };

class App extends Component {
  state = {
    selected: SELECT_OPTIONS[0].value

  handleSelectChange = e => {
    this.setState({ selected: e.value });

  render() {
    const { selected } = this.state;
    const value = { value: selected, label: selected };
    return (
      <div className="App">
        <div data-testid="select">
        <p data-testid="select-output">{selected}</p>

export default App;


import React from "react";
import {
} from "react-testing-library";
import App from "./App";


const setup = () => {
  const utils = render(<App />);
  const selectOutput = utils.getByTestId("select-output");
  const selectInput = document.getElementById("react-select-2-input");
  return { selectOutput, selectInput };

test("it can change selected item", async () => {
  const { selectOutput, selectInput } = setup();
  getByText(selectOutput, "FOO");
  fireEvent.change(selectInput, { target: { value: "BAR" } });
  await waitForElement(() => getByText(selectOutput, "BAR"));

This minimal example works as expected in the browser but the test fails. I think the onChange handler in is not invoked. How can I trigger the onChange callback in the test? What is the preferred way to find the element to fireEvent at? Thank you


This got to be the most asked question about RTL :D

The best strategy is to use jest.mock (or the equivalent in your testing framework) to mock the select and render an HTML select instead.

For more info on why this is the best approach, I wrote something that applies to this case too. The OP asked about a select in Material-UI but the idea is the same.

Original question and my answer:

Because you have no control over that UI. It's defined in a 3rd party module.

So, you have two options:

You can figure out what HTML the material library creates and then use container.querySelector to find its elements and interact with it. It takes a while but it should be possible. After you have done all of that you have to hope that at every new release they don't change the DOM structure too much or you might have to update all your tests.

The other option is to trust that Material-UI is going to make a component that works and that your users can use. Based on that trust you can simply replace that component in your tests for a simpler one.

Yes, option one tests what the user sees but option two is easier to maintain.

In my experience the second option is just fine but of course, your use-case might be different and you might have to test the actual component.

This is an example of how you could mock a select:

jest.mock("react-select", () => ({ options, value, onChange }) => {
  function handleChange(event) {
    const option = options.find(
      option => option.value === event.currentTarget.value
  return (
    <select data-testid="select" value={value} onChange={handleChange}>
      {options.map(({ label, value }) => (
        <option key={value} value={value}>

You can read more here.


In my project, I'm using react-testing-library and jest-dom. I ran into same problem - after some investigation I found solution, based on thread: https://github.com/airbnb/enzyme/issues/400

Notice that the top-level function for render has to be async, as well as individual steps.

There is no need to use focus event in this case, and it will allow to select multiple values.

Also, there has to be async callback inside getSelectItem.

const DOWN_ARROW = { keyCode: 40 };

it('renders and values can be filled then submitted', async () => {
  const {
  } = render(<MyComponent />);

  ( ... )

  // the function
  const getSelectItem = (getByLabelText, getByText) => async (selectLabel, itemText) => {
    fireEvent.keyDown(getByLabelText(selectLabel), DOWN_ARROW);
    await waitForElement(() => getByText(itemText));

  // usage
  const selectItem = getSelectItem(getByLabelText, getByText);

  await selectItem('Label', 'Option');

  ( ... )
