Listing all the clients connected to a room in Soc

2020-02-25 23:18发布


After the io.sockets.clients() method has been depreciated from the later versions of, and after my research couldn't find any documentation on the offical web.

Morever, it gives the type error for clients() method as below:

TypeError: undefined is not a function

Has anyone figured out how to list all the connected clients in a room with the later versions of


To get socket IDs of the clients connected to a room use this code:

var namespace = '/';
var roomName = 'my_room_name';
for (var socketId in io.nsps[namespace].adapter.rooms[roomName]) {


To get socket by socket ID you may try this:

var socket = io.sockets.connected[socketId];


In Socket.IO 1.4

To get the array of All connected Users :

// io.sockets.connected returns an Object with socketId as its key 

var allConnectedClients = Object.keys(io.sockets.connected);// This will return the array of SockeId of all the connected clients

To get the Count of all clients :

var clientsCount = io.engine.clientsCount ; // This will return the count of connected clients