In my file there is a property proguard.config and when i run ant it will run proguard. All of the following will cause proguard to run
Is there a way within the properties file to turn proguard on/off?
Otherwise I am going to need to write a script to add/remove or rename the proguard.config property to control this. I would rather just get/set properties. I want the best solution for this. Right now I am coding replaceregexpr to rename the proguard.config to something else to turn off. Looking for a better solution and would like to know how others are controlling this?
A lot simpler way is to just have the line
or even better still leave it out altogether! That way proguard doesn't run at all.
Here is how it is done:
Do NOT set proguard.config=proguard.cfg in your file.
in your file set
proguarded=on # or whatever variable you chose
Define these Macros if you are building Android so that debugging is always off:
<macrodef name="set-app-debuggable">
<echo>Updating AndroidManifest.xml with debuggable set to true</echo>
<replaceregexp file="./AndroidManifest.xml"
<macrodef name="set-app-not-debuggable">
<echo>Updating AndroidManifest.xml with debuggable set to false</echo>
<replaceregexp file="./AndroidManifest.xml"
Then set these conditions or similar to these depending on if you want to preserve debugging outside proguard builds:
<target name="-set-mode-check">
<echo> set mode checking properties ... </echo>
<echo> Proguard Property value is '${proguard.config}' </echo>
<echo> Proguard Property value is '${proguarded}' </echo>
<condition property="proguard.config" value="proguard.cfg">
<isset property="proguarded"/>
<echo> Proguard Property value after condition set is '${proguard.config}' </echo>
<if condition="${proguarded}">
<echo>**** This build is proguarded so setting debuggable off ****</echo>
<set-app-not-debuggable />
<echo>**** This build is not proguarded so setting debuggable on ****</echo>
<set-app-debuggable />
No need to set proguard.config in the file at all.
set this property
minifyEnabled false
in your app build.gradle
Like this to disable in debug and release too:
buildTypes {
release {
minifyEnabled false
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
debug {
minifyEnabled false
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''