
Converting numbers to visual rating (stars)? [clos

2020-02-25 11:43发布


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Closed 7 years ago.

in my database ı have numbers 1, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5 and 5

I want to convert these numbers to stars.

I have a full star and a half star.

How ı can do that after getting information from database?

I have the rating tag on the database.


    for($x=1;$x<=$starNumber;$x++) {
        echo '<img src="path/to/star.png" />';
    if (strpos($starNumber,'.')) {
        echo '<img src="path/to/half/star.png" />';
    while ($x<=5) {
        echo '<img src="path/to/blank/star.png" />';

*Assuming you are using PHP


When I have done this in the past, I used one image of 5 empty stars underneath one image of 5 filled stars. I then did something like

filled-stars.width = (empty-stars.width * (rating / 5)

This way you can display ratings of like 3.2978 etc.


You can do that with PHP, HTML and CSS:

<div class="star-<?=$number?>">

You can then style that with CSS, so to display background images according to stars. If you convert the <b> tags to <a> tags it's probably more semantic.


Consider using sprites. Start with a graphic that contains a row of stars for each possible rating, and then compute the background offset by multiplying the height of each half-star graphic times the number of half-stars in the rating.


$offset =
    ($rating / .5)  // number of half-stars in $rating
  * 15;             // height of each sprite in stars.png
<div style="background-image:url("stars.png");background-position:0 <?php echo $offset; ?>px;"></div>

Combined with a little bit of Javascript, you can implement a fully-featured ratings widget.


Here, this adds stars echo '*'; and halfs if needed echo '+';
Change '*' and '+' for example to <img src="star.gif" /> and <img src="halfstar.gif" />

// This number of stars:
$number = 2.7;

// Make it integer:
$stars = round( $number * 2, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);

// Add full stars:
$i = 1;
while ($i <= $stars - 1) {
    echo '*';
    $i += 2;
// Add half star if needed:
if ( $stars & 1 ) echo '+';