When I try to use a link in my Django template from /appname/index/
to get to /appname/detail/###
I am instead getting to /appname/index/detail/###
which is not what I'm trying to get so my app can't find it in the urlconf of course.
First the urls.py line for the detail page
url(r'detail/(?P<jobID>\d+)/$', 'appname.views.detail')
Additionally, the root urlconf
urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'^appname/', include('appname.urls')),
url(r'^admin/', include(admin.site.urls)),
Next the template code trying to get there
{% for job in jobList %}
<a href="detail/{{ job.id }}/">{{ job.name }}</a>
I'm not sure what else might be applicable information, just ask if you would like to see something else. I also tried :
<a href="{% url 'appname.views.detail' %}/{{ job.id }}">{{ job.name }}</a>
But that didn't work either. Thank you in advance for any help.