Using DeepL API to translate text

2020-02-25 08:17发布


Is there any possibility to find out if the DeepL translator offers an API for the translation? Unfortunately I haven't found any information on this.

Would like to implement this to an Excel script for auto translation. I've already tried it with Google (like but DeepL seems more accurate.


There is a POST call that allows you get the translations, I don't know how many time this will be supported or it's times limitations but here it is:


You should make a POST call with the next json:

        'jsonrpc': '2.0',
        'method': 'LMT_handle_jobs',
        'params': {
            'jobs': [
                    'raw_en_sentence': TEXT_TO_TRANSLATE
            'lang': {
                'user_preferred_langs': [
                'source_lang_user_selected': FROM_LANGUAGE,
                'target_lang': TO_LANGUAGE
            'priority': -1

The available languages are:

auto  Auto detect
DE    German
EN    English
FR    French
ES    Spanish
IT    Italian
NL    Dutch
PL    Polish

TO_LANGUAGE must be a valid language and FROM_LANGUAGE can be a valid language or auto

I wrote a python module that wraps this API: pydeepl There are currently also a node package and a php client that accomplish the same goal.


The REST API is finally (commercially) available, see the API reference documentation.

A sample request would be!&target_lang=EN&auth_key=XXX

where XXX is the authentication key you need to register with DeepL.