I'm trying to filter against an optional date column with Scala Slick 1.0.1.
It may be I just don't see it, but I've got a table that looks something like this:
case class UserRole(id:UUID, userID:UUID, role:String)
object UserRole extends Table[UserRole]("User_Role") {
//(id: Long = 0l, name: String, active: Boolean) extends KeyedEntity[Long] {
def id = column[UUID]("ID", O.PrimaryKey)
def userID = column[UUID]("user_id")
def vendorID = column[UUID]("vendor_id")
def role = column[String]("role")
def user = foreignKey("user_FK", userID, User)(_.id)
def start = column[java.sql.Date]("startDate")
def endDate = column[Option[java.sql.Date]]("endDate")
def * = id ~ userID ~ role <> (UserRole.apply _, UserRole.unapply _)
You'll see there that the endDate is optional.
How do I construct a query where I filter so endDate can be NULL/None or greater than the current (db) date? FYI, I'm generally using the embedded api