Is there a stock no-op deallocator in Boost to use with boost::shared_ptr
for static objects, etc.
I know it's ultra-trivial to write, but I don't want to sprinkle my code with extra tiny functions if there is already one available.
Is there a stock no-op deallocator in Boost to use with boost::shared_ptr
for static objects, etc.
I know it's ultra-trivial to write, but I don't want to sprinkle my code with extra tiny functions if there is already one available.
Yes there is one here:
#include <boost/serialization/shared_ptr.hpp> // for null_deleter
class Foo
int x;
Foo foo;
boost::shared_ptr< Foo > sharedfoo( &foo, boost::serialization::null_deleter() );
There is, of course, a danger with the fact that you need to know the function you call doesn't store the shared_ptr for later use, as it actually goes against the policy of shared_ptr in that the underlying object remains valid until that of the last instance of the shared_ptr.
Solution uses Boost.Lambda:
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/lambda/lambda.hpp>
int main()
int *p = new int(5);
boost::shared_ptr<int> sp(p, boost::lambda::_1);
delete p;
'boost::lambda::_1' creates an empty functor that takes one argument.
You'll probably want to put a //comment in there to let people know why you did it, though.
Wouldn't it be cleaner just to take an extra reference so the deallocator is never called? (Although that's still not very clean.)
I can't say that there's no function in Boost which would do the job, but it doesn't sound like something they would want to include.
EDIT: Having read the comments and a little documentation, it boils down to this:
Reference leaking. At some point, execute this:
new shared_ptr( my_global_shared_ptr );
Advantages: conceptually easy. Disadvantages: you are leaking something on the heap.
Custom deallocator. Since shared_ptr
requires little of the deallocator function, an anonymous identity function like that provided in the other answer would do fine.
Advantages: leverages Boost and has absolutely no overhead. Disdvantages: requires a little documentation.
Non-static global object. If there is a global shared_ptr
for your object, that should be the only means of access to it. Replace the declaration of the global with a shared_ptr
intialized by new my_class
. I think this is best.
There's a ticket for this on the Boost bug tracker: - no activity for a long time until some murmur two weeks ago.
FWIW, this what I'm using. I use it in unit tests to adapt a local into a shared_ptr.
// The class NoOp_sptr_Deleter can be used to construct a shared_ptr<>()
// that will NOT delete the pointee.
// This can be helpful in unit-testing. Wrapping a local as a shared_ptr.
// Do take care with the lifetimes though.
struct NoOp_sptr_Deleter
void operator()(void const *) const {}
template<typename T>
boost::shared_ptr<T> FakeSharedPtrFromRef(T& aRef)
return boost::shared_ptr<T>(&aRef, NoOp_sptr_Deleter() );
1.54, use boost/log/utility/empty_deleter.hpp
1.55, use boost/utility/empty_deleter.hpp
1.56, use boost/core/null_deleter.hpp