I am able to edit my code in debug mode but then pop up shows the error that "Edits were made which cannot be compiled. Execution cannot continue unit the compile errors are fixed" but error list is empty and i have checked enable edit and continue.
I am using vs2010.
cleaning and restarting have not solved the problem.
This problem can occur when your workspace broke. Just close Visual Studio, delete (or better first just rename) the .vs
folder and start Visual Studio again.
It can even happen with VS2017.
I had the same problem (VS2017), for me it was enough to menu item Build and click Clean Solution
Then Rebuild Solution and everything worked fine again.
Potentially this is caused by Visual Studio's Edit & Continue
A workaround is to disable this feature:
Debug --> Options --> Debugging --> General --> uncheck Enable Edit and Continue
Solution taken from here.
Also answered here.
I've had this problem with Visual Studio 2008, 2010, and 2013. I wrote a batch file I keep in the solution folder for each of my projects when this problem crops up. Expanding on what Vijay said, this cleans out the bin and obj folders. Sometimes Visual Studio will have the folders locked and I have to close it, but after I clear these out the problem goes away... for a while. I'm not sure of the underlying cause, I believe the binaries and the code in memory is somehow getting out of sync. But this allows a quick close, clean, open solution.
@echo off
dir bin /s /AD /b > clean.tmp
dir obj /s /AD /b >> clean.tmp
for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (clean.tmp) do echo rmdir /S /Q "%%A"
echo This command will remove ALL BIN and OBJ folders in this tree.
echo To run the commands as listed ...
for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (clean.tmp) do rmdir /S /Q "%%A"
del clean.tmp
I am using Visual Studio 2017 Community updated as to date.
After hours spent trying all the solutions posted in this thread highlighted by Hao Nguyen in the comments above, the only solution that worked was to remove the Workspace and Map&Get
To remove the Workspace, File
→ Source control
→ Advanced
→ Workspace
→ Remove
This type of error message could occur in three categories as I know so far:
- Visual Studio setting, like you have to set Visual Studio IDE environment properly
- Source control related
- Your method of code does have an interop related API that doesn't like to be edited in the debugging mode
Most people could fix their problem by going through #1. To make sure if your Studio setting is right, simply run a new and very small solution, and edit it in debugging mode. If that gives you the same error message, then your problem is with Bill Gates:), go fixing the configurations. If no error, shift focus to your own code.
Try to edit in debugging mode in a separate method in your solution. This error could be method dependent if the critical part is not in the global area. After narrowing down the problem to a method, well, you are close to a good luck. Commenting out most or all contents in the method, and gradually un-comment the lines. You will eventually ping down to the point where the problem gets triggered.
In my case, it is the Excel file application that caused the problem. The solution: I created the objects of Excel app, workbook, and worksheet as global variables, and open and defined them in one of my main method. Somehow, after doing so, Bill Gates doesn't like to me fool around the method any more in debugging mode. My trick to go around Bill is to write the workbook opening and worksheet definition in a small separate method, and just call that it from the original method. After that, I can happily edit any part in the big method during debugging run time! Still, I cannot do that in that small method that just contains the workbook and worksheet handling. Well, that is Bill's comfortable work place:) I don't need to.