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Closed 5 years ago.
I know nothing about Game development. I mean.. nothing.
But I have developed couple of good ruby web applications. I have also developed a simple iPhone app and its in the app store.
I'm interested in iPhone (specifically in that screen size) game development. How do I get started? What are the books I should read? Please guide me.
you have several options, but this are my personal recommendations:
First a very good book about iPhone programming, from the code master Aaron Hillegas:
then you can advance in more advanced stuff like learn the awesome Cocos 2D framework with this book:
This asumming that you have already a good base in C and Objective-C programming languages, if not i will recommend you this book:
The C Programming Language
The Objective-C Programming Language
With this books you will have a good amount of fun, cheers.
While I'd agree that the book is the best way to go, if you want a starting point, this tutorial will walk you through starting your first game.
The key skill that will make a difference is not more Obj C or iOS coding knowledge, but learning game design, what makes a fun or compelling game experience. Books on the art and psychology of game design might be a good starting place.
Definately the best book you can get for game making on the iphone