I am having Invalid attempt to call Read when reader is closed error when I am doing 3 tier project in C# language. What I am trying to do is retrieve address data column by joining two tables together and display in a drop down list. Here is my data access layer:
public List<Distribution> getDistributionAll()
List<Distribution> distributionAll = new List<Distribution>();
string address;
SqlDataReader dr = FoodBankDB.executeReader("SELECT b.addressLineOne FROM dbo.Beneficiaries b INNER JOIN dbo.Distributions d ON d.beneficiary = b.id");
while (dr.Read())
address = dr["addressLineOne"].ToString();
distributionAll.Add(new Distribution(address));
return distributionAll;
And this is my FoodBankDB class:
public class FoodBankDB
public static string connectionString = Properties.Settings.Default.connectionString;
public static SqlDataReader executeReader(string query)
SqlDataReader result = null;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("FoodBankDB executeReader: " + query);
SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(query, connection);
result = command.ExecuteReader();
return result;
I separated the these into two class so that whenever my connection string is changed, I can amend the whole project easily by changing the FoodBankDB class.
And this is my business logic layer:
public List<Distribution> getAllScheduledDistribution()
List<Distribution> allDistribution = new List<Distribution>();
Distribution distributionDAL = new Distribution();
allDistribution = distributionDAL.getDistributionAll();
return allDistribution;
And last but not least, my presentation layer:
List<Distribution> scheduledList = new List<Distribution>();
scheduledList = packBLL.getAllScheduledDistribution();
ddlScheduleList.DataSource = scheduledList;
ddlScheduleList.DataTextField = "address";
ddlScheduleList.DataValueField = "address";
It was working well if I didn't split the data access layer and connection string class. Does anybody know how to solve this error?
Thanks in advance.
Updated portion
public static string GetConnectionString()
return connectionString;