Is it possible to use Variable for collection name using pymongo? for example:
col = 'my_collection'
Is it possible to use Variable for collection name using pymongo? for example:
col = 'my_collection'
You can use:
col = 'my_collection'
You're trying to call a method from a string. This is not specific to pymongo.
You can use getattr to see if the string exists as an attribute on your db
object, then call it.
my_collection = getattr(col, 'my_collection')
edit: Note that using the getattr approach allows for exception handling in the case that the string is not a method or attribute of col
Ashoka Lella's answer is perfect. One bit of addition to it is to have this statement in your flask model's class.
__collection__="default" #Any default collection, which may or may not be used by the application
Just because your collection is in a variable, does not mean that you can skip the definition of the collection attribute. I am pasting my code below where I used this way.
class Collection(Document):
__collection__ = "collection_1"
structure = {
"name": str,
"email": str,
"status": bool,
"extra": dict
required_fields = ["name", "email"]
default_values = {"status": "inactive", "extra": {}}
def insertDocument(self, data):
print "model : " + data["collection"]
return "from model"
Don't forget to register your class name on the db variable - db.register([Collection])