
php array_push() -> How not to push if the array a

2020-02-23 05:32发布


I am using the following loop to add items to an an array of mine called $liste. I would like to know if it is possible somehow not to add $value to the $liste array if the value is already in the array? Hope I am clear. Thank you in advance.

$liste = array();
foreach($something as $value){
     array_push($liste, $value);


You check if it's there, using in_array, before pushing.

foreach($something as $value){
    if(!in_array($value, $liste, true)){
        array_push($liste, $value);

The ,true enables "strict checking". This compares elements using === instead of ==.


Two options really.

Option 1: Check for each item and don't push if the item is there. Basically what you're asking for:

foreach($something as $value) {
    if( !in_array($value,$liste)) array_push($liste,$value);

Option 2: Add them anyway and strip duplicates after:

foreach($something as $value) {
$liste = array_unique($liste);

By the look of it though, you may just be looking for $liste = array_unique($something);.


As this question is using not the best practice code to begin with I find all the answers here to be over-complicated.

Solving code in question:

Basically what is tried to do in question itself is filtering out repetitions. Better approach:

$liste = array_unique($something);

If adding elements to an array that is not empty:

$liste = array_unique(array_merge($liste, $something));

If you are using array_push():

Unless you are actually using return value of array push you should really use:

$liste[] = $value;

for shorter syntax and minor performance increase


maybe you want to use it as an associative array instead. it's implemented as (something like) a hash table, so you get constant insert time instead of linear.

function find_uniq( $something ) {
    foreach($something as $value){
    return array_keys( $liste );


You can simply check this condition before calling array_push(). Use array_search() and use a strong comparison to false to see if the value is present:

foreach( $something as $value ){
    if( array_search( $value, $liste, true ) === false ){
        array_push( $liste, $value );

(By the way: Add ,true to array_search to use "strict checking". This will use === for comparisons instead of ==)


Save logic and improve speed by keeping it logic-less. Just keep overwriting.

$list = array();
foreach ($something as $value) {
  if (!is_object($value) && !is_array($value)) {
    $list[$value] = $value
$list = array_values($list);


The right answer is much simpler. Push everything, but then use array_unique() function:

array_push($array, $new_member);
$array = array_unique($array);


Great answers are already present above, but if you have multiple array_push() all over your code, it would be a pain to write if(in_array()) statements every time.

Here's a solution that will shorten your code for that case: Use a separate function.

function arr_inserter($arr,$add){ //to prevent duplicate when inserting
    return $arr;

Then in all your array_push() needs, you can call that function above, like this:

$liste = array();
foreach($something as $value){
    $liste = arr_inserter($liste, $value);

If $value is already present, $liste remains untouched.

If $value is not yet present, it is added to $liste.

Hope that helps.


I have another solution for you! You can use keys as values And keys will never be duplicated.

$arr = ["A" => true, "B" => true, "C" => true];

$item = "A";
$arr[$item] = true;


foreach($arr as $value => $helper){
    echo $value;

Set class

OK, Let me write a class for you! The arrays do not allow duplicated items are called sets.

class Set{
    private $countainer;

    public function get(){
        return $this->container;
    public function push($item){
        $this->container[$item] = true;
    public function delete($item){

Note: This will not work for associative arrays and values.