
dynamically register transaction listener with spr

2020-02-22 05:03发布


I have a springframework application in which I would like to add a transaction listener to a transaction which is currently in progress. The motivation is to trigger a post commit action which notifies downstream systems. I am using @Transactional to wrap a transaction around some service method -- which is where I want to create/register the post transaction listener. I want to do something "like" the following.

public class MyService {
 public void doIt() {

  // something like this
   TransactionSynchronizationAdapter() {
     public void afterCommit() { 

Spring has a TransactionSynchronization interface and adapter class which seems exactly what I want; however it is not immediately clear how to register one dynamically with either the current transaction, or the transaction manager. I would rather not subclass JtaTransactionManager if I can avoid it.

Q: Has anyone done this before.

Q: what is the simplest way to register my adapter?


you could use an aspect to match transactional methods aspect in your service to accomplish this:

public class AfterReturningExample {

  @AfterReturning("execution(* com.mypackage.MyService.*(..))")
  public void afterReturning() {
    // ...



Actually it was not as hard as I thought; spring has a static helper class that puts the 'right' stuff into the thread context.

    new TransactionSynchronizationAdapter() {
        public void afterCommit() {
            s_logger.info("TRANSACTION COMPLETE!!!");


Here is a more complete solution I did for a similar problem that with wanting my messages sent after transactions are committed (I could have used RabbitMQ TX but they are rather slow).

public class MessageBusUtils {
    public static Optional<MessageBusResourceHolder> getTransactionalResourceHolder(TxMessageBus messageBus) {

        if ( ! TransactionSynchronizationManager.isActualTransactionActive()) {
            return Optional.absent();

        MessageBusResourceHolder o = (MessageBusResourceHolder) TransactionSynchronizationManager.getResource(messageBus);
        if (o != null) return Optional.of(o);

        o = new MessageBusResourceHolder();
        TransactionSynchronizationManager.bindResource(messageBus, o);
        if (TransactionSynchronizationManager.isSynchronizationActive()) {
            TransactionSynchronizationManager.registerSynchronization(new MessageBusResourceSynchronization(o, messageBus));
        return Optional.of(o);


    private static class MessageBusResourceSynchronization extends ResourceHolderSynchronization<MessageBusResourceHolder, TxMessageBus> {
        private final TxMessageBus messageBus;
        private final MessageBusResourceHolder holder;

        public MessageBusResourceSynchronization(MessageBusResourceHolder resourceHolder, TxMessageBus resourceKey) {
            super(resourceHolder, resourceKey);
            this.messageBus = resourceKey;
            this.holder = resourceHolder;

        protected void cleanupResource(MessageBusResourceHolder resourceHolder, TxMessageBus resourceKey,
                boolean committed) {

        public void afterCompletion(int status) {
            if (status == TransactionSynchronization.STATUS_COMMITTED) {
                for (Object o : holder.getPendingMessages()) {
                    messageBus.post(o, false);
            else {


public class MessageBusResourceHolder extends ResourceHolderSupport {

    private List<Object> pendingMessages = Lists.newArrayList();

    public void addMessage(Object message) {

    protected List<Object> getPendingMessages() {
        return pendingMessages;


Now in your class where you actually send the message you will do

public void postAfterCommit(Object o) {
    Optional<MessageBusResourceHolder> holder = MessageBusTxUtils.getTransactionalResourceHolder(this);
    if (holder.isPresent()) {
    else {
        post(o, false);

Sorry for the long winded coding samples but hopefully that will show someone how to do something after a commit.


Does it make sense to override the transaction manager on the commit and rollback methods, calling super.commit() right at the beginning.