Hello i've a databse that i load to Datagridview in vb.net application.
it loads fine, however when i try to save the date it doesn't work.
here is the code
Private myConString As String
Private con As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection
Private Dadapter As OleDbDataAdapter
Private DSet As DataSet
Private DSet2 As DataSet
Private ConCMD As OleDb.OleDbCommand
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
myConString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=e:\Database31.accdb"
con.ConnectionString = myConString
Dadapter = New OleDbDataAdapter("select * from Table1", con)
DSet = New DataSet
Dadapter.Fill(DSet, "Table1")
DataGridView1.DataSource = DSet.Tables("Table1")
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dadapter.Update(DSet, "Table1")
End Sub
Update requires a valid InsertCommand when passed DataRow collection with new rows.
what am i supposed to do?
the accessdatabase 3 colmuns and ID is primary key
ID Field1 Field2
So you must define an InsertCommand
for you DataAdapter
Side-note: The line DSet.AcceptChanges()
is redundant since the previous line Dadapter.Update
will call AcceptChanges
You should use using-statement
for anything implementing IDisposable
like a Connection. That would call Dispose
(which closes the connection) implicitely even in case of an exception.
So replace:
Dadapter.Update(DSet, "Table1")
Using con = New OleDbConnection(myConString)
con .Open()
Dadapter.Update(DSet, "Table1")
End Using
You need to read back the dataset from the datagrid
DSet = DataGridView1.DataSource '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Dadapter.Update(DSet, "Table1")
My VB.NET code for the 4 type of databases (update information from DataGridView to Database)
Private Sub sqldb_savedata()
Dim connectionString As String = "Server='" & sql_server & "';Database='" & sql_database & "';User Id='" & sql_user & "';Password='" & sql_pass & "'"
Dim sqlCon = New SqlConnection(connectionString)
If (sqlCon.State = ConnectionState.Closed) Then sqlCon.Open()
Dim SQLAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM clinics", sqlCon)
Dim SQLDataSet As New DataSet
Dim myTable = DataGridViewClinic.DataSource
Dim cmdbuilder As New SqlCommandBuilder(SQLAdapter)
SQLAdapter.Update(myTable, "clinics")
MsgBox("Updated!", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "")
End Sub
Private Sub mysqldb_savedata()
Dim connectionString As String = "Server='" & mysql_server & "';Database='" & mysql_database & "';User Id='" & mysql_user & "';Password='" & mysql_pass & "'"
Dim sqlCon = New MySqlConnection(connectionString)
If (sqlCon.State = ConnectionState.Closed) Then sqlCon.Open()
Dim SQLAdapter = New MySqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM clinics", sqlCon)
Dim SQLDataSet As New DataSet
Dim myTable = DataGridViewClinic.DataSource
Dim cmdbuilder As New MySqlCommandBuilder(SQLAdapter)
SQLAdapter.Update(myTable, "clinics")
MsgBox("Updated!", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "")
End Sub
Private Sub firebirddb_savedata()
Dim connectionString As String = "Database='" & firebird_server & "';User=SYSDBA;Password=masterkey;Dialect=3;ServerType=1"
Dim sqlCon = New FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient.FbConnection(connectionString)
If (sqlCon.State = ConnectionState.Closed) Then sqlCon.Open()
Dim SQLAdapter = New FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient.FbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM clinics", sqlCon)
Dim SQLDataSet As New DataSet
Dim myTable = DataGridViewClinic.DataSource
Dim cmdbuilder As New FirebirdClient.FbCommandBuilder(SQLAdapter)
SQLAdapter.Update(myTable, "clinics")
MsgBox("Updated!", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "")
End Sub
Private Sub localdb_savedata()
DBconn = New SqlCeConnection("Data Source=Data Source=|DataDirectory|\Database.sdf")
If (DBconn.State = ConnectionState.Closed) Then DBconn.Open()
Dim SQLAdapter = New SqlCeDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM clinics", DBconn)
Dim SQLDataSet As New DataSet
Dim myTable = DataGridViewClinic.DataSource
Dim cmdbuilder As New SqlCeCommandBuilder(SQLAdapter)
SQLAdapter.Update(myTable, "clinics")
MsgBox("Updated!", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "")
End Sub