Sparql insert data not working

2019-01-20 13:01发布


I'm a newbie to Sparql, but I am unable even to make a simple insert data query, or so it seems.

I'm using Apache Fuseki as working server; I'm in a graph, and I'm trying to make this query work:

PREFIX oa: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>

INSERT DATA{             
  [ a 
    oa:Annotation ;                    
    rdfs:label "Title";                    
  ] .                    

But it doesn't matter what I do, I keep getting this error:

Error 400: SPARQL Query: No 'query=' parameter

This is even a semplified code, I tried many queries even more complex, but the result doesn't change...


In SPARQL, query and update are different operations. In Fuseki, they reside on different endpoints (so query can be be more widely accessible than update).

You are calling the query endpoint (.../query or .../sparql usually) ; you need to call the update (.../update).


There is a syntax error with your turtle in the SPARQL update

instead of

  [ a 
    oa:Annotation ;                    
    rdfs:label "Title";                    
  ] .     


  [ a 
    oa:Annotation ;                    
    rdfs:label "Title"                    
  ] .