How to get a column from a 2D java array?

2020-02-21 07:24发布


I know that 2d arrays are arrays of arrays. To get a row you can do:

rowArray = my2Darray[row]

Since each row can be a different size, I'm assuming it's not built in to get a column from a 2D array. It leads me to believe you'd have to do something like:

for(int row = 0; row < numRows; row++)
    colArray[row] = m2Darray[row][columnOfInterest];

Is this correct? Is it the only way?


If you are locked down to using a 2d array, then yes, this is it afaik. However, a suggestion that may help you (if possible):

Wrap the array in a class that handles the column fetching.

Good luck.


Commons math has some tools you might want to check out:

double[][] data = new double[10][10];
BigMatrix matrix = MatrixUtils.createBigMatrix(data);

Commons Math Library


Your way is the way to go. However, if you have to do that many times, I may recommended storing it in columns. (or both ways)


Well actually I'd write this as a comment, but my reputation is still to low, so I have to answer:

Guess you mean:

for(int row = 0; row < numRows; row++)
    colArray[row] = m2Darray[row][columnOfInterest];

BTW: I suppose you are right. There is no easier way.


int[][] array = new int[rows][coloumn];

for (int i = 0 ; i < array.length ; i++) {
    for (int j = 0 ; j < array[].length; j++) {
        int col = array[j][i]; 


Actually the newest version of Apache Commons (3.5) doesn't have BigMatrix class. Instead of this we can use RealMatrix

double[][] data = new double[10][10];
RealMatrix rm = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(data);


     input data
    int[][] r = {
            {1, 2},
            {3, 4}
    //the colum index
    int colIndex = 1;
    Integer[] col = -> arr[colIndex]).toArray(size -> new Integer[size]);
    //col data
    for (Integer integer : col) {

Here it will print one whole column data in 2D matrix.


Another way is to store the rows as columns and vice versa. e.g. I needed to do exactly the same thing and I was originally planning to have an array with 10 rows and 2 cols. Because of this limitation, I just swapped my rows and columns and created an array with 10 columns and 2 rows. Then I can use array[0] to get the row from the new array (which would be a column of my original array). Of course you have this flexibility only if you are the creator of that array.

Hope that helps...


You have to use StringBuilder class to append new character at the end of a string

    StringBuilder s=new StringBuilder();
    for(int i=0;i<n;i++)


Just came across this post by chance. Another way to perform operations such as array copying or manipulation on column arrays is to transpose your array/matrix.

Shortly speaking

  • a. transpose 2Darray / matrix (i.e. 6x5 ==> 5x6 2Darray)
  • Perform operations on column arrays
  • transpose again ==> get back to your original 2Darray.

This approach have been used in seam carving - image cropping technique


try this

int column = 3;
double result = array[][column];

Good Luck