I remember using an equation to do this at some point – how do you do this in Javascript?
Plugin two number ranges:
rangeX = 1 (through) 10;
rangeY = 300.77 (through) 559.22;
Input a value in the rangeY scale:
inputY = 328.17;
Convert to proportional value in rangeX scale:
outputX = 1.43;
Use percentages:
xMax = 10;
xMin = 1;
yMax = 559.22;
yMin = 300.77;
percent = (inputY - yMin) / (yMax - yMin);
outputX = percent * (xMax - xMin) + xMin;
function convertRange( value, r1, r2 ) {
return ( value - r1[ 0 ] ) * ( r2[ 1 ] - r2[ 0 ] ) / ( r1[ 1 ] - r1[ 0 ] ) + r2[ 0 ];
convertRange( 328.17, [ 300.77, 559.22 ], [ 1, 10 ] );
>>> 1.9541497388276272
No guarantees on the math, but I think something like this:
var xLow = 1;
var xHigh = 10:
var yLow = 300.77;
var yHigh = 559.22;
var inputY = 328.17;
var ouputX = xLow;
var scaleYOverX = (yHigh - yLow)/(xHigh - xLow);
if(inputY >= yLow && inputY <= yHigh) {
outputX = (inputY - yLow)/scaleYOverX + xLow;
} else {
alert("Invalid input for Y scale");
Swift 3
With Bool for extended range or not
func translate(input : Float, inputMin: Float, inputMax: Float, outputMin: Float, outputMax: Float, extendRange: Bool? = false, log: Bool? = false) -> Float {
//The actual translation function
func translationResult(_ inputMinA: Float, _ inputMaxA: Float) -> Float {
let myResult = outputMin + (outputMax - outputMin) * (input - inputMinA) / (inputMaxA - inputMinA)
return myResult
// extendRange true means it'll return a value outside the range of inputMin and inputMax but still follow the ratio
if extendRange! {
return result = translationResult(inputMin, inputMax)
if log! == true && input > inputMax || input < inputMin{
print("outside range!")
} else {
//Doesn't let value go outside range
let inputMinA = min(inputMin, input)
let inputMaxA = max(inputMax, input)
return result = translationResult(inputMinA, inputMaxA)
translate(input: 50, inputMin: 100, inputMax: 1000.0, outputMin: 1, outputMax: 10, extendRange: false) => 1
translate(input: 50, inputMin: 100, inputMax: 1000.0, outputMin: 1, outputMax: 10, extendRange: true) => 0.5
I turned @Foggzie's answer into a TypeScript function and ES2016 function.
const scale = (inputY: number, yRange: Array<number>, xRange: Array<number>): number => {
const [xMin, xMax] = xRange;
const [yMin, yMax] = yRange;
const percent = (inputY - yMin) / (yMax - yMin);
const outputX = percent * (xMax - xMin) + xMin;
return outputX;
const scale = (inputY, yRange, xRange) => {
const [xMin, xMax] = xRange;
const [yMin, yMax] = yRange;
const percent = (inputY - yMin) / (yMax - yMin);
const outputX = percent * (xMax - xMin) + xMin;
return outputX;