I am getting an image from facebook by the URL: http://external.ak.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=d282e1e7c86c9270232f97ddc737df39&w=90&h=90&url=http%3A%2F%2Fi52.tinypic.com%2F2q0ixzl.jpg
Now, I want a bigger version, like 200 by 200. Is there a URL for that? If not, how can I convert this image to a larger size?
Generally if you want to collect the profile pic of a user or page, the format for the icon size picture is:
http://graph.facebook.com/[page id/profile id]/picture
and for the large picture:
http://graph.facebook.com/[page id/profile id]/picture?type=large
EDIT Points to note:
If the image stored on the facebook servers is less than the 200*200 dimensions, you would get the image as the highest resolution avaiable eg: 128*160. Either you can resize it using the GD library.
Facebook supports 200*600px as the highest resolution for the profile pic. It will resize an image to fit into these dimensions by maintaining the aspect ratio.
*UPDATE as on 19th Feb, 2017 *
We need to use this new URL formation to get a desired profile image.
[Thank you https://stackoverflow.com/users/2829128/vay]
If you want to get a larger picture you can just set the height and width you want like this:
http://graph.facebook.com/[page id/profile id]/picture?width=[number]&height=[number]
More info and examples here: Pictures - Facebook Developers
this will also work
if ([FBSDKAccessToken currentAccessToken]) {
[[[FBSDKGraphRequest alloc] initWithGraphPath:@"me" parameters:@{@"fields": @"picture.type(large),name, email"}]
startWithCompletionHandler:^(FBSDKGraphRequestConnection *connection, id result, NSError *error) {
if (!error) {
NSLog(@"fetched user:%@", result);
NSMutableDictionary *data=[[NSMutableDictionary alloc]init];
fbId.text=[data valueForKey:@"id"];
userName.text=[data valueForKey:@"name"];
_emailFB.text=[data valueForKey:@"email"];
NSDictionary *dictionary = (NSDictionary *)result;
NSDictionary *data3 = [dictionary objectForKey:@"picture"];
NSDictionary *data2 = [data3 objectForKey:@"data"];
NSString *photoUrl = (NSString *)[data2 objectForKey:@"url"];
NSLog(@"Photo : %@",photoUrl);
YES, there is a way to get the original (most of time bigger) profile picture of a facebook page.
Actually the answer is already in the question. The original image url is already embedded in the save_image url. In your case it is "url=http%3A%2F%2Fi52.tinypic.com%2F2q0ixzl.jpg” which means "http://i52.tinypic.com/2q0ixzl.jpg"
In my case, the page for London is
I can easily get its fb object id by search keyword London.
I have tried to use width and height parameter. They work with user profile picture or user shared picture but can’t work with public pages profile picture.
https://graph.facebook.com/106078429431815/picture?width=300&height=300 // can’t work
The largest picture I can get it by following url which is only 180x77
But I can get safe_image.php url by using fb graph api, and the original image url is also inside the parameters' url section
"url": "https://fbexternal-a.akamaihd.net/safe_image.php?d=AQCrtKykRotXBuaS&w=180&h=540&url=http%3A%2F%2Fupload.wikimedia.org%2Fwikipedia%2Fcommons%2Fthumb%2Farchive%2F2%2F21%2F20141005220235%2521City_of_London_skyline_at_dusk.jpg%2F720px-City_of_London_skyline_at_dusk.jpg&fallback=hub_city&prefix=d"
Here is code I used.
[FBRequestConnection startWithGraphPath:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"/%@/picture?redirect=false&type=large",[firstCityPage objectForKey:@"id"]]
FBRequestConnection *connection,
id result,
NSError *error
) {
NSString *profileImgUrl = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"http://graph.facebook.com/%@/picture?type=large", [firstCityPage objectForKey:@"id"]];
if (error==nil) {
NSString *fbSaveImgUrl = [[(NSDictionary*)result objectForKey:@"data"] objectForKey:@"url"];
NSURLComponents *urlComponents = [NSURLComponents componentsWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:fbSaveImgUrl]
for (NSURLQueryItem *queryItem in urlComponents.queryItems) {
if ([queryItem.name isEqualToString:@"url"]) {
profileImgUrl = queryItem.value;
} else {
NSLog(@"%@",[error description]);
NSLog(@"url: %@", profileImgUrl);
BUT, there are risks.
No guarantee the external image url will be validate.
Facebook may remove the explicit external url in the safe_image url or hide the safe_image url from developer in future.
Use it at your own risk.