I wanted to show a list of all files in an s3 folder so I can get all the last modified dates so I can determine what files has been changed.
I tried using objects.with_prefix('Folder1') it give me a full list but also contain Folder1.1 key
I don't know if i needed to use delimiter but I couldn't find anything how to use delimiter in aws sdk.
Thanks so much in advance!
I'm using 'aws-sdk' gem
Here is my bucket structure
Here is my code
bucket = s3.buckets[bucket_name]
data = bucket.objects.with_prefix('Folder1/')
data.each do |object|
puts "#{object.key}\t#{object.last_modified}";
Too late answer but better than never.
You can do
According to official documentation here
You can use this small piece of code for getting list of files for a specific folder.
s3 = Aws::S3::Resource.new(region: 'ap-southeast-1', access_key_id: ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'], secret_access_key: ENV['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] )
data_files = s3.bucket(bucket_name).objects(prefix: 'prefix/', delimiter: 'delimiter').collect(&:key)
Currently I am also stuck with this problem. So far solution is to fetch all the objects and to filter them later:
data = bucket.objects(bucketname, prefix: 'Folder1')
data_without_folders = data.select { |obj| !(obj.key =~ /\/$/) }
For delimiter, you just have to pass it in bucket.objects call like:
data = bucket.objects(bucketname, prefix: 'prefix', delimiter: 'delimiter')
If better solution is available, I will let you know.
SDK V3 has the prefix option for client!
resp = client.list_objects_v2({
bucket: "BucketName", # required
prefix: "FolderName",