Delete files with special characters in filenames

2019-01-20 13:05发布


I need to delete old files with special characters in filenames like space,,,(,),! and so on via PHP. Classic unlink($filename) does not work for these files. How can I transform filenames to filenames which accepts unlink function and filesystem? It's running on a Solaris machine and I don't have another access to it.


How are you constructing the $filename? unlink should work on any filename with special characters if you do the normal escaping on it. e.g.

for a file with a name of this has, various/wonky !characters in it, then

 $filename = 'this has\, various\/wonky \!characters in it';

should work.


unlink accepts any valid string and will try to delete the file in that string.


Perhaps you are not properly escaping certain characters.


You can also find all needed files and unlink them using RegexIterator:


$dir  = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator('.');
$iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($dir);
$regex = new RegexIterator($iterator, '/(^.*[\s\.\,\(\)\!]+.*)/', RecursiveRegexIterator::GET_MATCH);

foreach ($regex as $file) {
        if (is_file($file[0])) {
                print "Unlink file {$file[0]}\n";

This code snippet recursively traverse all directories from current ('.') and matches all files by regex '/(^.[\s\,.()!]+.)/', then delete them.


The way I do it in Linux is to use absolute paths, like "rm ./filename" that is dot slash.

You can also use escape charachters. Like "rm \-filename" that is - backspash hyphen.