Android Fragment no view found for ID?

2018-12-31 18:10发布


I have a fragment I am trying to add into a view.

FragmentManager fragMgr=getSupportFragmentManager();
feed_parser_activity content = (feed_parser_activity)fragMgr
FragmentTransaction xaction=fragMgr.beginTransaction();

if (content == null || content.isRemoving()) {
    content=new feed_parser_activity(item.getLink().toString());
        .add(, content)
    Log.e(\"Abstract\", \"DONE\");

When this code is executed I get the following error in debug..

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No view found for id 0x7f080011 
   for fragment feed_parser_activity{41882f50 #2 id=0x7f080011}

feed_parser_activity is a Fragment that is set to Fragment layout in xml.
I am using a FragmentActivity to host the Fragment Layout holding the feed_parser_layout.
Am I coding this correctly above?


I was having this problem too, until I realized that I had specified the wrong layout in setContentView() of the onCreate() method of the FragmentActivity.

The id passed into FragmentTransaction.add(), in your case, must be a child of the layout specified in setContentView().

You didn\'t show us your onCreate() method, so perhaps this is the same problem.


This error also occurs when having nested Fragments and adding them with getSupportFragmentManager() instead of getChildFragmentManager().


The solution was to use getChildFragmentManager()

instead of getFragmentManager()

when calling from a fragment. If you are calling the method from an activity, then use getFragmentManager().

That will solve the problem.


I had this problem (when building my UI in code) and it was caused by my ViewPager (that showed Fragments) not having an ID set, so I simply used pager.setID(id) and then it worked.

This page helped me figure that out.


Another scenario I have met. If you use nested fragments, say a ViewPager in a Fragment with it\'s pages also Fragments.

When you do Fragment transaction in the inner fragment(page of ViewPager), you will need

FragmentManager fragmentManager = getActivity().getFragmentManager();
FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction = fragmentManager.beginTransaction();

getActivity() is the key here. ...


An answer I read on another thread similar to this one that worked for me when I had this problem involved the layout xml.

Your logcat says \"No view found for id 0x7f080011\".

Open up the gen->package->>id and then look for id 0x7f080011.

When I had this problem, this id belonged to a FrameLayout in my activity_main.xml file.

The FrameLayout did not have an ID (there was no statement android:id = \"blablabla\").

Make sure that all of your components in all of your layouts have IDs, particularly the component cited in the logcat.


I got this error when I upgraded from to

I had to change my layout from this:

<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>
<FrameLayout xmlns:android=\"\"

To this:

<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>
<FrameLayout xmlns:android=\"\"



So the layout MUST have a child view. I\'m assuming they enforced this in the new library.


This exception can also happen if the layout ID which you are passing to FragmentTransaction.replace(int ID, fragment) exists in other layouts that are being inflated. Make sure the layout ID is unique and it should work.


In my case I was trying to show a DialogFragment containing a pager and this exception was thrown when the FragmentPagerAdapter attempted to add the Fragments to the pager. Based on howettl answer I guess that it was due to the Pager parent was not the view set in setContentView() in my FragmentActivity.

The only change I did to solve the problem was to create the FragmentPagerAdapter passing in a FragmentMager obtained by calling getChildFragmentManager(), not the one obtained by calling getFragmentManager() as I normally do.

public class PagerDialog extends DialogFragment{

public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    View rootView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.pager_dialog, container, false);

    MyPagerAdapter pagerAdapter = new MyPagerAdapter(getChildFragmentManager());
    ViewPager pager = (ViewPager) rootView.findViewById(;

    return rootView;



I had the same issue but my issue was happenning on orientation change. None of the other solutions worked. So it turns out that I forgot to remove setRetainInstance(true); from my fragments, when doing a two or one pane layout based on screen size.


I know this has already been answered for one scenario, but my problem was slightly different and I thought I\'d share in case anybody else is in my shoes.

I was making a transaction within onCreate(), but at this point the view tree has not been inflated so you get this same error. Putting the transaction code in onResume() made everything run fine.

So just make sure your transaction code runs after the view tree has been inflated!


My mistake was on the FragamentTransaction.

I was doing this t.replace(R.layout.mylayout); instead of t.replace(;

The difference is that one is the layout and the other is a reference to the layout(id)


I was facing a Nasty error when using Viewpager within Recycler View. Below error I faced in a special situation. I started a fragment which had a RecyclerView with Viewpager (using FragmentStatePagerAdapter). It worked well until I switched to different fragment on click of a Cell in RecyclerView, and then navigated back using Phone\'s hardware Back button and App crashed.

And what\'s funny about this was that I had two Viewpagers in same RecyclerView and both were about 5 cells away(other wasn\'t visible on screen, it was down). So initially I just applied the Solution to the first Viewpager and left other one as it is (Viewpager using Fragments).

Navigating back worked fine, when first view pager was viewable . Now when i scrolled down to the second one and then changed fragment and came back , it crashed (Same thing happened with the first one). So I had to change both the Viewpagers.

Anyway, read below to find working solution. Crash Error below:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No view found for id 0x7f0c0098 (com.kk:id/pagerDetailAndTips) for fragment ProductDetailsAndTipsFragment{189bcbce #0 id=0x7f0c0098}

Spent hours debugging it. Read this complete Thread post till the bottom applying all the solutions including making sure that I am passing childFragmentManager.

Nothing worked.

Finally instead of using FragmentStatePagerAdapter , I extended PagerAdapter and used it in Viewpager without Using fragments. I believe some where there is a BUG with nested fragments. Anyway, we have options. Read ...

Below link was very helpful :

Viewpager Without Fragments

Link may die so I am posting my implemented Solution here below:

public class ScreenSlidePagerAdapter extends PagerAdapter {
private static final String TAG = \"ScreenSlidePager\";
ProductDetails productDetails;
ImageView imgProductImage;
ArrayList<Imagelist> imagelists;
Context mContext;

// Constructor
public ScreenSlidePagerAdapter(Context mContext,ProductDetails productDetails) {
    this.mContext = mContext;
    this.productDetails = productDetails;

// Here is where you inflate your View and instantiate each View and set their values
public Object instantiateItem(ViewGroup container, int position) {
    LayoutInflater inflater = LayoutInflater.from(mContext);
    ViewGroup layout = (ViewGroup) inflater.inflate(R.layout.product_image_slide_cell,container,false);

    imgProductImage = (ImageView) layout.findViewById(;
    String url = null;
    if (imagelists != null) {
        url = imagelists.get(position).getImage();

    // This is UniversalImageLoader Image downloader method to download and set Image onto Imageview
    ImageLoader.getInstance().displayImage(url, imgProductImage, Kk.options);

    // Finally add view to Viewgroup. Same as where we return our fragment in FragmentStatePagerAdapter
    return layout;

// Write as it is. I don\'t know much about it
public void destroyItem(ViewGroup container, int position, Object object) {
    container.removeView((View) object);
    /*super.destroyItem(container, position, object);*/

// Get the count
public int getCount() {
    int size = 0;

    if (productDetails != null) {
        imagelists =  productDetails.getImagelist();
        if (imagelists != null) {
            size = imagelists.size();
    Log.d(TAG,\"Adapter Size = \"+size);
    return size;

// Write as it is. I don\'t know much about it
public boolean isViewFromObject(View view, Object object) {

    return view == object;


Hope this was helpful !!


With nested fragments

By using getChildFragmentManager() instead of getActivity.getSupportFragmentManager() resolved crash java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No view found for id for me.


I had this same issue, let me post my code so that you can all see it, and not do the same thing that I did.

protected void onResume()

    fragManager = getSupportFragmentManager();

    Fragment answerPad=getDefaultAnswerPad();
protected void setAnswerPad(AbstractAnswerFragment pad)
        .add(, pad, \"AnswerArea\")

Note that I was setting up fragments before I setContentView. Ooops.


This page seems to be a good central location for posting suggestions about the Fragment IllegalArgumentException. Here is one more thing you can try. This is what finally worked for me:

I had forgotten that I had a separate layout file for landscape orientation. After I added my FrameLayout container there, too, the fragment worked.

On a separate note, if you have already tried everything else suggested on this page (and the entire Internet, too) and have been pulling out your hair for hours, consider just dumping these annoying fragments and going back to a good old standard layout. (That\'s actually what I was in the process of doing when I finally discovered my problem.) You can still use the container concept. However, instead of filling it with a fragment, you can use the xml include tag to fill it with the same layout that you would have used in your fragment. You could do something like this in your main layout:

    android:layout_height=\"match_parent\" >

    <include layout=\"@layout/former_fragment_layout\" />


where former_fragment_layout is the name of the xml layout file that you were trying to use in your fragment. See Re-using Layouts with include for more info.


Always clean your project after change anything on xml layout files.

On eclipse: Project>Clean


In my case I had a SupportMapFragment in a recycler view item (I was using the lower overhead \"liteMode\" which makes the map appear as non-interactive, almost like a static image). I was using the correct FragmentManager, and everything appeared to work fine... with a small list. Once the list of items exceeded the screen height by a bit then I started getting this issue when scrolling.

Turned out, it was because I was injecting a dynamic SupportMapFragment inside a view, which was inside another fragment, to get around some issues I was having when trying to declare it statically in my XML. Because of this, the fragment placeholder layout could only be replaced with the actual fragment once the view was attached to the window, i.e. visible on screen. So I had put my code for initialising the SupportMapFragment, doing the Fragment replace, and calling getMapAsync() in the onAttachedToWindow event.

What I forgot to do was ensure that my code didn\'t run twice. I.e. in onAttachedToWindow event, check if my dynamic SupportMapFragment was still null before trying to create a new instance of it and do a Fragment replace. When the item goes off the top of the RecyclerView, it is detached from the window, then reattached when you scroll back to it, so this event is fired multiple times.

Once I added the null check, it happened only once per RecyclerView item and issue went away! TL;DR!


Just in case someone\'s made the same stupid mistake I did; check that you\'re not overwriting the activity content somewhere (i.e. look for additional calls to setContentView)

In my case, due to careless copy and pasting, I used DataBindingUtil.setContentView in my fragment, instead of DataBindingUtil.inflate, which messed up the state of the activity.


I encountered this problem when I tried to replace view with my fragment in onCreateView(). Like this:

public class MyProjectListFrag extends Fragment {

    private MyProjectListFragment myProjectListFragment;

    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
            Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        FragmentManager mFragmentManager = getFragmentManager();
        myProjectListFragment = new MyProjectListFragment();
                        myProjectListFragment, \"myProjectListFragment\")

It told me

11-25 14:06:04.848: E/AndroidRuntime(26040): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No view found for id 0x7f05003f (com.example.myays:id/container_for_my_pro_list) for fragment MyProjectListFragment{41692f40 #2 id=0x7f05003f myProjectListFragment}

Then I fixed this issue with putting replace into onActivityCreated(). Like this:

public class MyProjectListFrag extends Fragment {

    private final static String TAG = \"lch\";

    private MyProjectListFragment myProjectListFragment;

    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
            Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        return inflater
                .inflate(R.layout.frag_my_project_list, container, false);

    public void onActivityCreated(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

        FragmentManager mFragmentManager = getFragmentManager();
        myProjectListFragment = new MyProjectListFragment();
                        myProjectListFragment, \"myProjectListFragment\")

  1. You have to return a view in onCreateView() so that you can replace it later
  2. You can put any operation towards this view in the following function in fragment liftcycle, like onActivityCreated()

Hope this helps!


This happens when you are calling from a fragment inside another one.

use :



I fixed this bug, I use the commitNow() replace commit().


The commitNow is a sync method, the commit() method is an async method.


In my case this exception was thrown when I used different ids for the same layout element (fragment placeholder) while having several of them for different Build Variants. For some reason it works perfectly well when you are replacing fragment for the first time, but if you try to do it again you get this exception. So be sure you are using the same id if you have multiple layouts for different Build Variants.


If you are trying to replace a fragment within a fragment with the fragmentManager but you are not inflating the parent fragment that can cause an issue.

In OnCreateView:

if (savedInstanceState == null) {
                    .replace(, new DifferentFragment())

return super.onCreateView(inflater, container, savedInstanceState);

Replace super.onCreateView(inflater, container, savedInstanceState); with inflating the correct layout for the fragment:

        return inflater.inflate(R.layout.base_fragment, container, false);


I\'ve had the same problem when was doing fragment transaction while activity creation.

The core problem is what Nick has already pointed out - view tree has not been inflated yet. But his solution didn\'t work - the same exception in onResume, onPostCreate etc.

The solution is to add callback to container fragment to signal when it\'s ready:

public class MyContainerFragment extends Fragment {
    public static interface Callbacks {
        void onMyContainerAttached();

    public void onAttach(Activity activity) {
        Log.d(TAG, \"--- onAttach\");
        ((Callbacks) activity).onMyContainerAttached();

    //... rest of code

And then in activity:

public class MainActivity extends Activity
        implements MyContainerFragment.Callbacks
    public void onMyContainerAttached() {
                .replace(, new MyFragment())



In my case, i was using a fragment class file to declare a listview adapter class. I just used a different file for the public adapter class and the error was gone.


The container for fragment it means framelayout or any layout in which you are replacing fragment is not there, that causes the problem, hope help

Happy coding!


I had same issue ,my mistake was I forgot to add framlayout xml code to other layout (for another language) of the activity . my app was made for multiple language so I had two layout for every activity. right to left and left to right


I had the same error and after trying a lot of things I found that the problem was the id of the pager. I was using android:id=\"@+id/someName\" instead you should use:

    android:layout_height=\"match_parent\" />


Inside your fragment use this:

int id = this.getId();