I've searched our SO questions but found solutions are based on calling ping
command executed from using system
PHP function.
My web host server doesn't allow me to do that. What should I do?
Please help,
I need to check from the server side
If by a valid URL you mean one which does not 404, then you could use get_headers()
and look for 404
in the first returned array element.
$url = 'http://google.com';
list($status) = get_headers($url);
if (strpos($status, '404') !== FALSE) {
// URL is 404ing
Alternatively, you could look for 200
which would be a normal happy request :)
try this:
//checking if the site exists by fopen, instead of file_get_contents to speed it up
$url = "URL"; //your url goes in this place instead of nabtron.com
if (@fopen($url,"r")) {
echo "<b>".$url."</b> is accessible<br />";