I installed node.js and npm to my centOS 7 server. But i have problems with pm2.
Actually real problem is i don't have experiences in linux and i don't know how to change path.
Here is folder structure.
* bin
* code
* error_docs
* httpdocs
* lib64
* logs
* tmp
* var
* chat(my node.js folder)
* node_modules
* pm2
* sockjs
* server.js
* dev
* etc
* lib
* local
* sbin
* usr
I entered folder by typing cd chat
and installed pm2 with npm install pm2
After that I tried use pm2 for my server.js by typing pm2 server.js
server returns "pm2 command not found". I can use node.js without any problem but pm2 not working.
How can i solve this?
Install PM2 globally:
run as root:
npm i -g pm2
or if user is sudo-er
sudo npm i -g pm2
and then go back to user (or stay in root if it was created by root user) and run it:
pm2 start server.js
PM2 the process manager for Node.js applications. PM2 basically manages applications (run them in the background as a service). So this is how we install PM2 globally with sudo permissions account
sudo npm install -g pm2
The -g option tells npm to install the module globally, so that it's available system-wide.
Once this is installed, check the installed path as:
whereis pm2
pm2: /opt/node/bin/pm2 /opt/node/lib/node_modules/pm2/bin/pm2
Now, we need to add this path in startup bash script. Add add the following line anywhere in ~/.bashrc file.
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/node/lib/node_modules/pm2/bin
Now re-login or source the bash script as follows(so that bash script runs and path is set)
source ~/.bashrc
and now it should run. check the status of pm2
pm2 status
Error on using port 80 with PM2?
The wrong way of going about this is trying to run with sudo
The correct way of doing this would be to login as root sudo su
, then run pm2 start app.js --name "whatever" --watch
Logging in as root, there's no need to configure any bashrc
or profile files. However, as root, the script can use nodejs's exec()
function dangerously. To avoid this, do the root stuff first with your script, then lower your privilege after some timeout:
// I use port 80 first.. at this point the script's UID is root.
// After 2 seconds we switch to UID `azureuser`, which obviously isn't root anymore.
setTimeout(function() {
}, 2000);
Install PM2 globally and run everything as a root user
sudo apt-get install npm
sudo npm i -g pm2
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
You are good to go
If you used nvm to install node and npm, install pm2 for normal user.
run as root:
sudo su
vim ~/.bashrc
append below code, change NVM_DIR to you normal user's home folder:
export NVM_DIR="/home/[PLEASE CHANGE]/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh"
# This loads nvm
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \.
# This loads nvm bash_completion
at last :
source ~/.bashrc
If you install through NPM and it does not work, you can create a symbolic link as well :
ln -s /<your-user>/.npm-global/lib/node_modules/pm2/bin/pm2 /usr/bin/pm2
After that, you're going to be able to call: