How to draw a path between two markers
I had to add lot of polylines between two markers, to make a path.
One of the markers is draggable, lets say source is draggable.
So, when user starts dragging the marker, the path previously drawn must be erased and a new path between new source and destination must be draw.
I am able to draw the new path, but how can i erase the previous path?
This is how the path is drawn:
for (int z = 0; z < list.size() - 1; z++) {
LatLng src = list.get(z);
LatLng dest = list.get(z + 1);
Polyline line = map.addPolyline(new PolylineOptions()
.add(new LatLng(src.latitude, src.longitude),
new LatLng(dest.latitude, dest.longitude))
One solution i can get is
To clear all the polylines, markers etc.. and add the markers again, then drawn the path.
But as soon as I start dragging, the marker is cleared, hence not visible on the map :(
Thank You
Keep track of the Polyline as you add it to the map:
Polyline polyline = this.mMap.addPolyline(new PolylineOptions().....);
Then when you want to remove it:
If you have lots of Polylines, just add them to a List as they are put on the map:
List<Polyline> polylines = new ArrayList<Polyline>();
polylines.add(this.mMap.addPolyline(new PolylineOptions()....));
And when you want to delete:
for(Polyline line : polylines)
The key is to keep a reference to the Polyline objects and call .remove() on each one.
I know this is very old question but I noticed that this is very common need. I found another way and I wanted to share it.
Here is the basic idea:
Polyline polylineFinal;
PolylineOptions polylineOptions;
loop {
polylineOptions.add( new LatLng( latitude, longitude ) );
polylineFinal = map.addPolyline (polylineOptions);
Map's "addPolyline" method returns a single polyline which contains all the points. When I need to remove the points, I call polylineFinal's "remove" method.
I used this work :)
private GoogleMap mMapView;
SupportMapFragment myMapFragment = (SupportMapFragment)getSupportFragmentManager()
mMapView = myMapFragment.getMap();
PolylineOptions rectLine = new PolylineOptions()
.add(new LatLng(13.000000, 100.000000))
.add(new LatLng(13.010000, 100.000000));