From several posts I've seen, I am trying this
x = Base64.decode64("....")'test.png','wb') {|file| file.write x}
But then I can't open the image with a viewer, do I have to do something more?
From several posts I've seen, I am trying this
x = Base64.decode64("....")'test.png','wb') {|file| file.write x}
But then I can't open the image with a viewer, do I have to do something more?
Your problem is that you're trying to decode the 'data:image/png;base64,'
prefix as Base64 data; that prefix is perfectly valid Base64 data but it is not the Base64 representation of a PNG file. The result is that your test.png
file contains a bunch of nonsense followed by some bits that actually are a PNG file. Strip off the data URL prefix before decoding the PNG:
data_url = "...."
png = Base64.decode64(data_url['data:image/png;base64,'.length .. -1])'test.png', 'wb') { |f| f.write(png) }
mu_is_too_short answer is pretty close, but it assumes that base64 stream will contain PNG data. This is not always the case so I suggest to use mime types library to establish correct file extension:
REGEXP = /\Adata:([-\w]+\/[-\w\+\.]+)?;base64,(.*)/m
data_uri_parts = data_url.match(REGEXP) || []
extension = MIME::Types[data_uri_parts[1]].first.preferred_extension
file_name = "myfilename.#{extension}", 'wb') do |file|
Instead of using a Regexp
, you can also make use of the simple String#index method.
Returns the index of the first occurrence of the given substring or pattern (regexp) in str. Returns nil if not found.
If you have a reasonably sane data source (like JavaScript's .toDataURL()
on a canvas
), you can rely on the fact that common mimetypes will not contain commas.
dataURL = "...."
start = dataURL.index(',') + 1 # .index used here
x = Base64.decode64 dataURL[start..-1]'test.png','wb') {|file| file.write x}
If you're working with a free-form user file upload, beware that a few uncommon mime types do contain commas (e.g.: text/x-java-source,java
). You can use the more conservative:
start = dataURL.index(';base64,') + 8
If you don't know if you have unprefixed base64 or data URL base64, you can use #index
as test:
start = dataURL.index ';base64,'
dataURL = dataURL[(start+8)..-1] if start
x = Base64.decode64 dataURL
that's a little script about how to open base64 image,vacio.txt is the file when i have the base64 text.
require 'base64'
entry=".....""vacio.txt","r") do |fichero|
while linea=fichero.gets
png=Base64.decode64(linea[m.to_s.length .. -1])'test.jpeg','wb'){|f|f.write(png)}