In my application, I've two activities. First is a splash screen, which simply shows the application name and few other info. Upon clicking on the splash screen activity, I'm loading the main activity. My app works fine, but I'm facing a small issue. If I press back button from my main activity, control is going to splash screen activity. But I don't want to show the splash screen activity again, I want to avoid splash screen activity when pressing Back button.
Is it possible? If so how?
In your AndroidManifest.xml
file, add android:noHistory="true"
attribute in your splash screen <activity>
As I understand, you want the splash activity to not show after changing activity. You should note activities save On Stack and with starting new activity push on it and with finish you pop on top stack. I think that if you the call finish()
method your problem fix as in your splash screen activity where you call StartActivity insert finish()
public void onClick(View v) {
Intent intent = new Intent(Main.this, Splash.class);
Hope to be useful :)
You can just call
In your Splash screen when you jump to the second screen.