Create users dynamic names and assgin roles

2019-01-20 11:36发布


I need to create user with dynamic names with a variable name

example :

The following code gives a syntax error.

Create Login @User_name WITH PASSWORD @password;
                USE database; 

and i need to assign a role for created user ..


You cannot use variables for object names. You can cheat

exec sp_addlogin @User_name, @password;

Either that or construct dynamic SQL, but make sure to use QUOTENAME to prevent SQL injection.


You can not use create login with variables. You have to create the statement dynamically or you can use sp_addlogin. According to sp_addlogin is deprecated.

declare @UN sysname
declare @PW sysname
declare @S nvarchar(100)

set @UN = 'UserName'
set @PW = 'Password'

set @S = 'CREATE LOGIN ' + quotename(@UN) + ' WITH PASSWORD = ' + quotename(@PW, '''')

exec (@S)