Possible Duplicate:
how to use ssh to run shell script on a remote machine?
I am trying to make a bash script that runs on my remote server's daily cron jobs to automatically login through ssh to another unix box, run a few commands and then leave.
ssh machinehost.com -l admin -p 2222 "/usr/bin/find /share/Public/backups/set0 -mtime +14 | xargs rm -f;
/usr/bin/find /share/Public/backups/set1 -mtime +4 | xargs rm -f;
/usr/bin/find /share/Public/backups/set2 -mtime +3 | xargs rm -f;
/usr/bin/find /share/Public/backups/set3 -mtime +21 | xargs rm -f;
/usr/bin/find /share/Public/backups/set4 -mtime +2 | xargs rm -f;
/usr/bin/find /share/Public/backups/set5 -mtime +2 | xargs rm -f;
The problem I am having is I need to modify my current existing code to do something a little more complicated before each command like
if [ $(ls /share/Public/backups/set1 -1 | wc -l ) -gt 4 ] then run above command
How would I go about running this command on the remote ssh machine and not on my local cron one?