Delete all branches that are more than X days/week

2020-02-17 06:41发布


I found the below script that lists the branches by date. How do I filter this to exclude newer branches and feed the results into the Git delete command?

for k in $(git branch | sed /\*/d); do 
  echo "$(git log -1 --pretty=format:"%ct" $k) $k"
done | sort -r | awk '{print $2}'


How about using --since and --before?

For example, this will delete all branches that have not received any commits for a week:

for k in $(git branch | sed /\*/d); do 
  if [ -n "$(git log -1 --since='1 week ago' -s $k)" ]; then
    git branch -D $k

If you want to delete all branches that are more than a week old, use --before:

for k in $(git branch | sed /\*/d); do 
  if [ -n "$(git log -1 --before='1 week ago' -s $k)" ]; then
    git branch -D $k

Be warned though that this will also delete branches that where not merged into master or whatever the checked out branch is.


The poor man's method:

List the branches by date of last commit:

git branch --sort=committerdate | xargs echo

this will list the branches while xargs echo command makes it inline (thx Jesse).

You will see all your branches with old ones at the beginning:

1_branch 2_branch 3_branch 4_branch

Copy the first n ones, which are outdated and paste at the end of the batch delete command:

git branch -D 1_branch 2_branch

This will delete the selected ones only, so you have more control over the process.

To list the branches by creation date, use the --sort=authordate:iso8601 command as suggested by Amy


It's something similar to Daniel Baulig answer, but also takes in consideration ben's comment. Also It filters branches by a given patter, since we're using try-XX convention for branching.

for k in $(git branch -r | awk -F/ '/\/YOUR_PREFIX_HERE/{print $2}' | sed /\*/d); do
   if [ -z "$(git log -1 --since='Jul 31, 2015' -s origin/$k)" ]; then
     echo deleting "$(git log -1 --pretty=format:"%ct" origin/$k) origin/$k";
     git push origin --delete $k;


This is what worked for me:

for k in $(git branch -r | sed /\*/d); do 
  if [ -z "$(git log -1 --since='Aug 10, 2016' -s $k)" ]; then
    branch_name_with_no_origin=$(echo $k | sed -e "s/origin\///")
    echo deleting branch: $branch_name_with_no_origin
    git push origin --delete $branch_name_with_no_origin

The crucial part is that the branch name (variable $k) contains the /origin/ part eg origin/feature/my-cool-new-branch However, if you try to git push --delete, it'll fail with an error like:
unable to delete 'origin/feature/my-cool-new-branch': remote ref does not exist.
So we use sed to remove the /origin/ part so that we are left with a branch name like feature/my-cool-new-branch and now git push --delete will work.


I'm assuming that you want to delete just the refs, not the commits in the branches. To delete all merged branches except the most recent __X__:

git branch -d `for k in $(git branch | sed /\*/d); do
  echo "$(git log -1 --pretty=format:"%ct" $k) $k"
done | sort -r | awk 'BEGIN{ORS=" "}; {if(NR>__X__) print $2}'`

To delete all branches before timestamp __Y__:

git branch -d `for k in $(git branch | sed /\*/d); do
  echo "$(git log -1 --pretty=format:"%ct" $k) $k"
done | sort -r | awk 'BEGIN{ORS=" "}; {if($1<__Y__) print $2}'`

Replace the -d option by -D if you want to delete branches that haven't been merged as well... but be careful, because that will cause the dangling commits to be garbage-collected at some point.


The above code did not work for me, but it was close. Instead, I used the following:

for k in $(git branch | sed /\*/d); do 
  if [[ ! $(git log -1 --since='2 weeks ago' -s $k) ]]; then
    git branch -D $k


Based on @daniel-baulig's answer and the comments I came up with this:

for k in $(git branch -r --format="%(refname:short)" | sed s#^origin/##); do
   if [ -z "$(git log -1 --since='4 week ago' -s $k)" ]; then
    ## Info about the branches before deleting
    git log -1 --format="%ci %ce - %H $k" -s $k;
    ## Delete from the remote
    git push origin --delete $k;
    ## Delete the local branch, regardless of whether it's been merged or not
    git branch -D $k

This can be used to delete all old branches (merged or NOT). The motivation for doing so is that it is unlikely that branches that has not been touched in a month rot and never make it to master. Naturally, the timeframe for pruning old branches depends on how fast the master branch moves.


Safe way to show the delete commands only for local branches merged into master with the last commit over a month ago.

for k in $(git branch --format="%(refname:short)" --merged master); do 
  if (($(git log -1 --since='1 month ago' -s $k|wc -l)==0)); then
    echo git branch -d $k

This does nothing but to output something like:

git branch -d issue_3212
git branch -d fix_ui_search
git branch -d issue_3211

Which I copy and paste directly (remove the echo to delete it directly)

This is very safe.

标签: git shell