Recursively find all files newer than a given time

2020-02-17 06:40发布


Given a time_t:

⚡ date -ur 1312603983
Sat  6 Aug 2011 04:13:03 UTC

I'm looking for a bash one-liner that lists all files newer. The comparison should take the timezone into account.

Something like

find . --newer 1312603983

But with a time_t instead of a file.


This is a bit circuitous because touch doesn't take a raw time_t value, but it should do the job pretty safely in a script. (The -r option to date is present in MacOS X; I've not double-checked GNU.) The 'time' variable could be avoided by writing the command substitution directly in the touch command line.

time=$(date -r 1312603983 '+%Y%m%d%H%M.%S')
trap "rm -f $marker; exit 1" 0 1 2 3 13 15
touch -t $time $marker
find . -type f -newer $marker
rm -f $marker
trap 0


You can find every file what is created/modified in the last day, use this example:

find /directory -newermt $(date +%Y-%m-%d -d '1 day ago') -type f -print

for finding everything in the last week, use '1 week ago' or '7 day ago' anything you want


Maybe someone can use it. Find all files which were modified within a certain time frame recursively, just run:

find . -type f -newermt "2013-06-01" \! -newermt "2013-06-20"


Given a unix timestamp (seconds since epoch) of 1494500000, do:

find . -type f -newermt "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' -d @1494500000)"

To grep those files for "foo":

find . -type f -newermt "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' -d @1494500000)" -exec grep -H 'foo' '{}' \;


You can also do this without a marker file.

The %s format to date is seconds since the epoch. find's -mmin flag takes an argument in minutes, so divide the difference in seconds by 60. And the "-" in front of age means find files whose last modification is less than age.

now=$(date +'%s')
((age = (now - time) / 60))
find . -type f -mmin -$age

With newer versions of gnu find you can use -newermt, which makes it trivial.


So there's another way (and it is portable to some extent_

(python <<EOF
import fnmatch
import os
import os.path as path
import time

matches = []
def find(dirname=None, newerThan=3*24*3600, olderThan=None):
    for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dirname or '.'):
        for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*'):
            filepath = os.path.join(root, filename)
            ts_now = time.time()
            newer = ts_now - path.getmtime(filepath) < newerThan
            older = ts_now - path.getmtime(filepath) > newerThan
            if newerThan and newer or olderThan and older: print filepath
    for dirname in dirnames:
        if dirname not in ['.', '..']:
            print 'dir:', dirname
) | xargs -I '{}' echo found file modified within 3 days '{}'


Assuming a modern release, find -newermt is powerful:

find -newermt '10 minutes ago' ## other units work too, see `Date input formats`

or, if you want to specify a time_t (seconds since epoch):

find -newermt @1568670245

For reference, -newermt is not directly listed in the man page for find. Instead, it is shown as -newerXY, where XY are placeholders for mt. Other replacements are legal, but not applicable for this solution.

From man find -newerXY:

Time specifications are interpreted as for the argument to the -d option of GNU date.

So the following are equivalent to the initial example:

find -newermt "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' -d '10 minutes ago')" ## long form using 'date'
find -newermt "@$(date +%s -d '10 minutes ago')" ## short form using 'date' -- notice '@'

The date -d (and find -newermt) arguments are quite flexible, but the documentation is obscure. Here's one source that seems to be on point: Date input formats

标签: linux bash