How do I set a mock date in Jest?

2020-02-17 06:15发布


I'm using moment.js to do most of my date logic in a helper file for my React components but I haven't been able to figure out how to mock a date in Jest a la sinon.useFakeTimers().

The Jest docs only speak about timer functions like setTimeout, setInveral etc but don't help with setting a date and then checking that my date functions do what they're meant to do.

Here is some of my JS file:

var moment = require('moment');

var DateHelper = {


  formatDate: function(date) {
    return date.format(this.DATE_FORMAT);

  isDateToday: function(date) {
    return this.formatDate(date) === this.formatDate(moment());

module.exports = DateHelper;

and here is what I've set up using Jest:


describe('DateHelper', function() {
  var DateHelper = require('../../../dashboard/calendar/date-helper'),
      moment = require('moment'),

  describe('formatDate', function() {

    it('should return the date formatted as DATE_FORMAT', function() {
      var unformattedDate = moment('2014-05-12T00:00:00.000Z'),
          formattedDate = DateHelper.formatDate(unformattedDate);

      expect(formattedDate).toEqual('May 12');


  describe('isDateToday', function() {

    it('should return true if the passed in date is today', function() {
      var today = moment();




Now these tests pass because I'm using moment and my functions use moment but it seems a bit unstable and I would like to set the date to a fixed time for the tests.

Any idea on how that could be accomplished?


MockDate can be used in jest tests to change what new Date() returns:

var MockDate = require('mockdate');
// I use a timestamp to make sure the date stays fixed to the ms
// test code here
// reset to native Date()


Since momentjs uses Date internally, you can just overwrite the function to always return the same moment. = jest.fn(() => 1487076708000) //14.02.2017

or = jest.fn(() => new Date(Date.UTC(2017, 1, 14)).valueOf())


jest.spyOn works for locking time:

let dateNowSpy;

beforeAll(() => {
    // Lock Time
    dateNowSpy = jest.spyOn(Date, 'now').mockImplementation(() => 1487076708000);

afterAll(() => {
    // Unlock Time


jest-date-mock is a complete javascript module wrote by me, and it is used to test Date on jest.

import { advanceBy, advanceTo } from 'jest-date-mock';

test('usage', () => {
  advanceTo(new Date(2018, 5, 27, 0, 0, 0)); // reset to date time.

  const now =;

  advanceBy(3000); // advance time 3 seconds
  expect(+new Date() - now).toBe(3000);

  advanceBy(-1000); // advance time -1 second
  expect(+new Date() - now).toBe(2000);

  clear();; // will got current timestamp

Use the only 3 api for test cases.

  • advanceBy(ms): advance date timestamp by ms.
  • advanceTo([timestamp]): reset date to timestamp, default to 0.
  • clear(): shut down the mock system.


All the answer based only on the mock of will not work everywhere since some packages (for instance moment.js) use new Date() instead.

In this context the answer based on MockDate is I think the only truly correct. If you don't want to use an external package, you can write directly in your beforeAll:

  const DATE_TO_USE = new Date('2017-02-02T12:54:59.218Z');
  // eslint-disable-next-line no-underscore-dangle
  const _Date = Date;
  const MockDate = (...args) => {
    switch (args.length) {
      case 0:
        return DATE_TO_USE;
        return new _Date(...args);
  MockDate.UTC = _Date.UTC; = () => DATE_TO_USE.getTime();
  MockDate.parse = _Date.parse;
  MockDate.toString = _Date.toString;
  MockDate.prototype = _Date.prototype;
  global.Date = MockDate;


I would like to offer some alternative approaches.

If you need to stub format() (which can be locale and timezone dependent!)

import moment from "moment";
const format = jest.fn(() => 'April 11, 2019')
moment.mockReturnValue({ format })

If you only need to stub moment():

import moment from "moment";
const now = "moment(\"2019-04-11T09:44:57.299\")";

Regarding the test for the isDateToday function above, I believe the simplest way would be not to mock moment at all


I'd like use Manual Mocks, so it can use in all tests.

// <rootDir>/__mocks__/moment.js
const moment = jest.requireActual('moment') = jest.fn(() => 1558281600000) // 2019-05-20 00:00:00.000+08:00

module.exports = moment


Goal is to mock new Date() with a fixed date wherever it's used during the component rendering for test purposes. Using libraries will be a overhead if the only thing you want is to mock new Date() fn.

Idea is to store the global date to a temp variable, mock the global dae and then after usage reassign temp to global date.

export const stubbifyDate = (mockedDate: Date) => {
     * Set Date to a new Variable
    const MockedRealDate = global.Date;

     *  Mock Real date with the date passed from the test
    (global.Date as any) = class extends MockedRealDate {
        constructor() {
            return new MockedRealDate(mockedDate)

     * Reset global.Date to original Date (MockedRealDate) after every test
    afterEach(() => {
        global.Date = MockedRealDate

Usage in your test would be like

import { stubbyifyDate } from './AboveMethodImplementedFile'

describe('<YourComponent />', () => {
    it('renders and matches snapshot', () => {
        const date = new Date('2019-02-18')

        const component = renderer.create(
            <YourComponent data={}/>
        const tree = component.toJSON();


I just wanted to chime in here since no answer addressed the issue if you want to mock the Date object in only a specific suite.

You can mock it using the setup and teardown methods for each suite, jest docs

 * Mocking Date for this test suite
const globalDate = Date;

beforeAll(() => {
  // Mocked Date: 2020-01-08 = jest.fn(() => new Date(Date.UTC(2020, 0, 8)).valueOf());

afterAll(() => {
  global.Date = globalDate;

Hope this helps!


For those who want to mock methods on a new Date object you can do the following:

beforeEach(() => {
    jest.spyOn(Date.prototype, 'getDay').mockReturnValue(2);
    jest.spyOn(Date.prototype, 'toISOString').mockReturnValue('2000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z');

afterEach(() => {