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Closed 2 years ago.
I found this application on the app store: iLuaBox
and I wondered if there was anything else like this for the iPhone without jailbreaking but instead for Python or Ruby?
Lua is probably similar for me to play around with the basic programming I do anyway but I thought I would just ask)
A python interpreter App called Python for iOS is available on the App store:
Full disclosure: I am the sole creator/developer of the Python for iOS App.
The Agreement about Apple not accepting any coding language layer has been removed not too long ago.
I guess we will have to wait a little to see complex language like Python and Ruby interpreter.
Since Lua is a scripting language, it is easier to port it.
Pythonista by omz:software (I have no affiliation) just came out for the iPad and it looks pretty good. Has an extended keyboard, code completion and other nice things.
App Store link: http://itunes.apple.com/app/id528579881
If you just want to be able to run ruby and python scripts, codetogo lets you do that.
It gets around it by sending your code to a server, running it and then sending back the result.
There is now a statically compiled Ruby variant for iOS:
This has been built on top of the well established MacRuby framework.
There is a simple native Python interpreter for IOS available now. No jailbreak needed:
there is also python math which is free but it has its modules restricted to the math stuff but it allows you to sync .py scripts from itunes so you could import any modules that you need
Try the above mentioned app. Not for free, but I guess it will do the trick
A Python module that allows running Lua code from Python in a sandbox. Intended to execute arbitrary, possibly unsafe code submitted by users.
Source code