In MVC 5 I am attempting to use the controller to render a partial view only if the (Windows Authenticated) user belongs to one or more of a list of Active Directory groups. There are over 30 distinct groups I need to account for, so the "hello world" examples don't fit my needs. After playing scavenger hunt on the web, I managed to collect this much. No compile or runtime errors, but the content is showing for all users rather than the specific users. So the desired outcome is not yet achieved.
While I can achieve the desired outcome using if-then logic in the view, it creates a lot of unnecessary duplication and encourages spaghettification. So I'm trying to do this in the controller.
Summary of Desired Outcome:
When the user loads the viewpage, the partial view should only render if the Windows Authenticated user belongs to one or more of a list of groups defined in the controller action. If the user is not authorized, then the partial view is not included.
Controller Block:
public ActionResult MonitorCSU()
return PartialView("MonitorCSU");
View Block:
<div class="rowWithCols3">
Unsuccessful Iterations:
In the controller block I tried (unsuccessfully) to use an if-then block, the else case being another partial view with no content.
public ActionResult MonitorCSU() { if (User.IsInRole("Domain\GroupA")) { return PartialView("_MonitorCSU"); } else { return PartialView("_Unauthorized"); } }In Razor, I tried using HTML.Action but when I tried run the page the browser hung in an infinite loop.