I have a picture sharing app which shares pictures among your app friends.
My requirement is to show my app in sharing via pop-up, when iOS user choose any photo from photo gallery.
I found solutions for sharing PDF files via custom app, but no luck for iOS "photos".
I have also go through this link
and did changes in my app, but it seems not to be working.
This can't be done, unfortunately. The screenshot you've shared is showing a UIActivityViewController presented by the Photos app, and there is currently no way to get your app into it. Hopefully that's something that will be allowed in a future iOS release.
I use "Share Extension" to add my own app in the share list.
You have to create a new target of your app![](https://www.manongdao.com/static/images/pcload.jpg)
Be careful!! The Deployment Target version of this target should under the version of your testing device to make sure the icon shows in the list.
Other activities should be defined in the ShareViewController.m created automatically.
Hope my answer can help you :)
You should follow up this documentation to show your app icon in share options,
In "Document Types",you need to specify the "public.image". so that your app will ready to handle the any image document. If you want to have particular image type say "jpeg" then you should specify the "public.jpeg"
Refer the attached screenshot from this link
Note that in iOS 8 you will actually be able to do this the way you'd think it would work. Register as an app to handle a certain format, all apps exporting that format will show your app as an export target.
In iOS 7 and before, it's very easy to tell the system that your app can handle, say, JPG. But then it's up to the app that owns the document to show your app as one of the sharing options. So for example the iOS Photos app will not show it. It has Facebook and Twitter hard-coded, and no options for anything else.
In iOS 8 and above, you will be able to provide an icon and a custom UIViewController that will show up in any app that has sharing support, including built-in ones.