I've seen this done in TextMate and I was wondering if there's a way to do it in IDEA.
Say I have the following code:
leaseLabel = "Lease";
leaseLabelPlural = "Leases";
portfolioLabel = "Portfolio";
portfolioLabelPlural = "Portfolios";
buildingLabel = "Building";
What is the best way to append '+ "foo"' to every line? Column mode won't work since the lines are not correctly aligned on the right side... unless there is an easy way to right justify the text :P
Since Idea IntelliJ IDEA 13.1 there is possibility to edit multiple lines.
Alt + Shift + Mouse click
for selection. More about this new improvement in IntelliJ blogpost here. Very useful feature.
I use Column Selection Mode (Cmd+Shift+8 on Mac) which allows to create multiple cursors via Shift+Up or Shift+Down then edit all the lines together.
Starting from IntelliJ IDEA 14 there is also Clone Caret Above / Below:
- Windows: Ctrl, Ctrl+Up/Down
- MacOS: Option,Option + Up/Down
(hold the second press of the modifier key, then press the arrow key)
Another keyboard-only approach. It's possible (since 13.1 version) to use Alt+J / Shift+Alt+J (Ctrl+G for OS X) shortcuts for creating multiple carets. Alt+J selects the next occurrence of the currently selected text and adds another caret.
- Select the first semicolon
- Then press Alt+J four times
- Edit what you want to
- Press Esc to return to the first line.
Place caret at end
Windows: CTRL + CTRL(Hold) + ↑ / ↓
Mac: option + option(Hold) + ↑ / ↓.
To place caret at the end of rows: move caret to top row, clone down to bottom, and click END.
Change Multi-caret Hotkey
To add a custom Keymap, CTRL+SHIFT+A, type keymap
and click on the one with Settings
as subtext. Search for Clone Caret Above
and Clone Caret Below
I mapped mine to ALT+SHIFT+↑ / ↓ on Windows and ⌘+↑ / ↓ on Mac.
Try holding combinations of CTRL, SHIFT, and arrows for improved selection power.
I just use the macros for this sort of thing. I start recording the macro, do it once, then play back the macro on each line I want to modify. You'd be amazed at how fancy you can get with the macro record/playback feature.
You could also do a vertical code block selection by clicking mouse wheel and dragging:
Select Next Occurrence:
Alt+J on Windows, Ctrl-G on Mac OS X
Unselect Occurrence:
Alt+Shift+J on Windows, Ctrl-Shift-G on Mac OS X
Select All Occurrences:
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+J on Windows, Ctrl-Cmd-G on Mac OS X
for more reference: link
It took me a while to find out, but on a Mac you can double-press Option (press it once, release, press it again, keep it pressed) and use Up/Down keys to create/remove carets as you wish.
You can also hold Shift+Option and click to create/remove carets at specific points.
Column mode works just fine: first select all the lines in column mode, then press END: each cursor will jump to the end of respective line.
+ SHIFT + INSERT` to enter block-mode
to select multiple lines
to jump to the end of each line
now type foo
, it will append it to each line:
Now deselect everything with ESCAPE
and switch back to normal selection mode with ALT + SHIFT + INSERT
In this case you can also just select the piece of code in which you want to do this and perform a replace on it. Replace:
" + "foo";
So in case you didn't know: If you have text selected while you perform a replace (Ctrl+R or Cmd+R) it will only apply to the selected piece of text.
ALT + CTRL + SHIFT + CLICK on linux
Hold ALT and use the mouse for click and drag
It's Option + Shift + Click
for Macbook.
All Important Intellij Shortcuts: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KagEr4hDmTugMJJLsYUgc122zXEnbj4A2vHoe8PtKpo/edit?usp=sharing
What I usually use (NetBeans, but I believe it is simple to use in any IDE) is find&replace
You just find ;\n
and replace it with + $foo;\n
then you don't apply to ALL lines but you place cursor on the first line and you just hit "replace" button (depends on your IDE I suppose) 7 times to change 7 lines in no time. Easy and simple and it should be done with the most basic and the most advanced IDE you can find.
In IntelliJ (don't know if it works in other IDEs too) you can use your regexp search&replace to selection only so you can actually use "replace all"
For mac users it's : ALT + SHIFT + Click
For Mac:
Option + Shift + Click & Drag