I want to declare :
std::unordered_map<CString, CString> m_mapMyMap;
But when I build I got an error telling me that the standard C++ doesn't provide a hash function for CString, while CString have the (LPCSTR) operator.
How do I properly implement a hash function for CString?
Based on the MS STL implementation for std::string
I created the following methods which can be used for std::unordered_set
and std::unordered_map
namespace std {
template <>
struct hash<CString>
{ // hash functor for CString
size_t operator()(const CString& _Keyval) const
{ // hash _Keyval to size_t value by pseudorandomizing transform
return (_Hash_seq((const unsigned char*)(LPCWSTR)_Keyval, _Keyval.GetLength() * sizeof(wchar_t)));
template <>
struct hash<CStringA>
{ // hash functor for CStringA
size_t operator()(const CStringA& _Keyval) const
{ // hash _Keyval to size_t value by pseudorandomizing transform
return (_Hash_seq((const unsigned char*)(LPCSTR)_Keyval, _Keyval.GetLength() * sizeof(char)));
Or even more generic:
namespace std {
template<typename BaseType, class StringTraits>
struct hash<CStringT<BaseType, StringTraits>> : public unary_function<CStringT<BaseType, StringTraits>, size_t>
{ // hash functor for CStringT<BaseType, StringTraits>
typedef CStringT<BaseType, StringTraits> _Kty;
size_t operator()(const _Kty& _Keyval) const
{ // hash _Keyval to size_t value by pseudorandomizing transform
return (_Hash_seq((const unsigned char*)(StringTraits::PCXSTR)_Keyval,
_Keyval.GetLength() * sizeof(BaseType)));
std::unordered_map use std::hash<> that does not use (LPCSTR)
You need to redefine hash function:
template<class T> class MyHash;
class MyHash<CString> {
size_t operator()(const CString &s) const
return std::hash<std::string>()( (LPCSTR)s );
std::unordered_map<CString,CString,MyHash> m_mapMyMap;
But for better performance use std::string instead CString for key.