I am in the process of implimenting the MVVC pattern and am having trouble binding a property in the viewmodel from within a DataTemplate within a datagrid. If I have a textblock outside the DataTemplate in the column it works fine (since I am directly referencing the datacontext of the UserConrol, i.e. the VM) however from within the DataTemplate it wont return the plain text property. It will however return a property from the iterated IEnumerable item.
<UserControl xmlns:data="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls;assembly=System.Windows.Controls.Data"
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=DataContext.testText, ElementName=View}" />
<data:DataGrid Height="280" Width="500" ItemsSource="{Binding TimeSlots}" AutoGenerateColumns="False" >
<data:DataGridTextColumn Header="Allocation Area" Binding="{Binding TimeAllocationArea.TimeAllocationName}" Width="200" />
<data:DataGridTextColumn Header="Start" Binding="{Binding StartTime}" Width="80" />
<data:DataGridTextColumn Header="End" Binding="{Binding Path=DataContext.testText, ElementName=View}" Width="80" />
<data:DataGridTemplateColumn Header="Modify" Width="200" >
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=DataContext.testText, ElementName=View}" />
Is there some sort of problem with the DataTemplate that im ignoring?? Note the "{Binding Path=DataContext.testText, ElementName=View}" works for all elements except the one in the DataTemplate. (Note I know that the 1st Textblock outside the DG doesnt need the ElementName etc but i have just done it this way to prove to myself that its referencing the right thing)